Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NDAA Another Step in Fascist Takeover of America

NDAA: Another Step in the Fascist Takeover of America

By Kurt Nimmo

The Senate has voted on legislation permitting the U.S. military to capture and indefinitely detain citizens on American soil. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Authorization Act.
"While the legislation still has several steps to go, the vote makes it likely that Congress will eventually send to President Obama's desk a bill that contains detainee-related provisions his national-security team has said are unacceptable," the New York Times reports.
The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing.
Obama has signaled that he will veto the bill if it is enacted by the Senate.
The Obama administration said prior to the vote that the proposed legislation is "inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets."
In other words, even Obama – who supports the Patriot Act and has diligently worked to expand Bush's war on terrorism – believes the Senate bill violates Posse Comitatus.
The newly elected Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, has come out against the legislation that will allow the Pentagon to arrest U.S. citizens and hold them indefinitely without due process or a trial as specified by the Sixth Amendment.
Paul told Judge Andrew Napolitano it perplexed him "how anyone could vote to send an American citizen who's been accused of a crime to a detention center in a foreign land without due process."
Paul offered an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would strip Section 1031 from the legislation. He was joined in the failed effort by California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, who said the government "should not have the ability to lock away its citizens for years and perhaps decades without charging them."
Other members of Congress have voiced opposition to the bill, including Colorado Senator Mark Udall. "I would also point out that these provisions raise serious questions as to who we are as a society and what our Constitution seeks to protect," he said in a speech.
Behind the scene globalists have plotted for years against the Constitution because they understand that the founding document guarantees every citizen certain inalienable rights that cannot be revoked or taken away by government. The Constitution stands in the way of their vision of a world totalitarian government and financial system.
In recent years, the global elite have launched an insidious campaign against the Constitution by claiming that its principles are outdated relics of an irrelevant past. In June, CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria argued that the Constitution is outdated and its principles should be "debated and fixed" to conform with the modern era. He suggested "a set of amendments to modernize the Constitution for the 21st Century."
"It should come as no surprise Fareed Zakaria wants to do away with the Constitution. He is a darling of the Council On Foreign Relations and a Bilderberg member. He also sits on the board of the Trilateral Commission. He is a serious globalist and as such an avowed enemy of the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights," I wrote at the time.
By exploiting the manufactured threat of terrorism, the globalists hope to convince the American people that such legislation is in their best interest.
If Obama's threatened veto is overridden and National Defense Authorization Act becomes law, it will allow the state to disappear its domestic political enemies the same way the dictator Pinochet in Chile eliminated his political opposition. Military kidnappings, torture and secret execution are the tactics of thugs in places like Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Communist China, not the United States. - All rights reserved 2011
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Max Igan : you cannot change the system from within | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Max Igan : you cannot change the system from within | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Max Igan : you cannot change the system from within the system , the system is inherently corrupt by its very nature you need to stop participating in it , what I would like to see in the next election is that everybody stay home just do not vote because you just support them says Max Igan , i do not vote because I refuse to support organized crime he explains do not support them people do not vote look after yourselves govern yourselves you do not need these people at all , the whole thing is run by the Mafia , and banking cartels and corporations we need to get the corporatism out of our government ....

Gerald Celente - The Wall Street Shuffle - 18 November 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Jon Corzine should be going to jail for this. What a crook.

Gerald Celente - The Wall Street Shuffle - 18 November 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente - The Wall Street Shuffle - 18 November 2011
Gerald Celente : MF Global closed down my positions and they took all my money and I am talking six figures ...It's like somebody going to your bank account and taking all of your money but the person who took the money is none other than Jon Corzine , fine man another Goldman Sachs former governor of New Jersey he is a member of the white shoe boyz

Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Political Control Over the People | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Political Control Over the People | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Political Control Over the People
Dr. Nick Begich from Alask talks to Infowars crew about HAARP, Secret Sciences and High Tech Mind Control .... The U.S. govt. sacrificed 3,000 soldiers at Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the Empire of Japan; the U.S. govt. poisons and adulterates our water with the waste product sodium fluoride and the blood intoxicant known as lithium (as well as innumerable heavy metals and pesticides). The U.S. govt. clouds the skies with aluminum oxide and barium salt. Murder is murder. The murdering of children is especially abhorrent.The reason the controllers are afraid of the awakening is that their domination cannot survive in a world of truth. They thrive off of lies that create self fulfilling prophecies whereby their agenda is advanced. If all people knew the truth.. would debt based monetary systems survive? Wars? Using technology to spy on and enslave? Nope; In a world of truth people would demand beneficial (not fear based) things and the dominance of the current controllers would not survive and they know it. Absolutely astonishing video of facts and truth. I can't wait till the truth is told in mainstream media, instead of dancing this, singing that to dissolution the people. Dr. Nick Begich, co-author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP. Begich has pursued independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. He received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994. Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. Begich is also the author of Earth Rising II: The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul with the late James Roderick, and Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance.

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011
The United States of America, like most countries, has been taken over by a very corrupt cabal of people. They use many tools. Fear, false flags, propaganda, threat, lies, wars etc... People need to wake up and not buy into these people.  They believe in order out of chaos. This is not the way I choose to live. The institutions, organizations, groups, clubs, have all been corrupted.. Can't trust any of them, spies everywhere.. Govt sponsored tattletales infest every civic group.. Churches are on the Govt payroll thru their 501C3, so they can't be trusted either.. The good people, who haven't sold out, are pulling back, hardening themselves, cutting the dead weight in life, reducing their vulnerability to betrayal.. This shit is just for starters, better hang on, rides gonna get a lot rougher..

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Update on the MF Global collapse - 28 Nov 2011

Gerald Celente predicts a Run on The Banks by February 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente predicts a Run on The Banks by February 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente predicts a Run on The Banks by February 2012
Gerald Celente sees a bank run and Bank holiday right after the Christmas shopping , They will empty ALL YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS ,All your CONTRACTS, If they are printed on paper thyey're not worth the paper thyey're not printed on ,so take your fancy toilet paper out of the bank, or buy gold and silver, build a vault in your house, get security cameras, increase security around your house and pray organized criminals don't find out when society breaks down, in case they hold you at gunpoint and shoot you is safer to buy your gold from an anonymous seller on Ebay than from a US financial institution. "The Greatest Bank Robbery in World History - and the Banks are Doing the Robbing". "Prestitutes are only there for One Reason - to Pleasure the Politicians and the Very Wealthy". Gerald being interviewed. He discusses the IMF, Central Bankers, Media Prestitutes, Mafia, Austerity, Direct Democracy, Grovelling Representatives, Money Junkies, Goldman Sachs, Gays in the Military, Copper Stealing and lots more...this is dead set illegal. People go to jail for smoking harmless marijuana but if you steal billions of dollars you will be fine. Am I the only one that sees this system is flawed from top to bottom.

NewsBeast: Cain Crash - YouTube

NewsBeast: Cain Crash - YouTube

Censoring The Internet - THEY want to do it - YouTube

Censoring The Internet - THEY want to do it - YouTube

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ron Paul - Top of the GOP - YouTube

Ron Paul - Top of the GOP - YouTube

Newt Gingrich Wrong Again - Reality Check Pt 1 & 2 - YouTube

Newt Gingrich Wrong Again - Reality Check Pt 1 & 2 - YouTube

Newt Gingrich EXPOSED! - YouTube

Newt Gingrich EXPOSED! - YouTube

Global DEPRESSION Warning - Are You Ready? - YouTube

Global DEPRESSION Warning - Are You Ready? - YouTube

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO Full Ginger White Interview on Herman Cain Affair - YouTube

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO Full Ginger White Interview on Herman Cain Affair - YouTube

Global DEPRESSION Warning - Are You Ready? - YouTube

Global DEPRESSION Warning - Are You Ready? - YouTube

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - GOLD & SILVER - YouTube

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - GOLD & SILVER - YouTube


They Teach It at Stanford

In an evening class at Stanford the last lecture was on the mind-body connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious.

Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well-being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? Rarely.

Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is very GOOD for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.
There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged—not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!

So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very lucky. Sooooo let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it's very good for our health.

Forward this to all your girlfriends – and stay in touch! Thanks to all the girls in my life who have helped me stay healthy, happy, and feeling very loved.

The Political Crisis in the US and the Fight for Independent Politics

The Political Crisis in the US and the Fight for Independent Politics: he first response to the political crisis was the Tea Party movement. Although much of this movement has been and continues to be funded by corporate money, its appeal to masses of people stems from the recognition of the political crisis in our country.
The massive and sustained demonstrations in Madison, WI found their strength in the reaction to the growing corporate control of the U.S. and the corruption of traditional politicians. The Occupy Wall Street movement has permanently changed the political climate in our country. It has placed economic inequality (We are the 99%) and the demand for genuine democracy (This is what Democracy looks like) as the burning issues of the day.
This is the political environment that progressives find themselves in today.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Austerity and the Destruction of Democracy

Austerity and the Destruction of Democracy Why does this impact US

Occupy Wall Street Declares Goldman Sachs Guilty

Occupy Wall Street Declares Goldman Sachs Guilty

Gerald Celente sees U S Bank Holiday after Christmas | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente sees U S Bank Holiday after Christmas | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente sees U S Bank Holiday after Christmas

Corzine and the Great U S Bank Holiday , We have a Gangster government! The government and the Criminals are one and the same, when are people going to realize that our government has been hijacked?!?! Not only did MFing Global take a "bank holiday" they decided a bit of OUR money was necessary for the trip. $2.5bn should be enough to afford one of the Greek islands or perhaps a small town in Italy. Either way, thanks corzine for paving the way and revealing just how bad it is going to be in the very near future. Got preps? Got plans? We all need to be acting right now.

A timeline to Americas Economic Collapse ? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

A timeline to Americas Economic Collapse ? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
The events are laid out well but the timeline is much too long. Look around, this situation we live in cannot be sustained. It can collapse at any time.The escalating food prices and starvation. Our first major bump in the road will come THIS winter/fall. True unemployment, U6 is close to 23% NOW, and growing worse each month.. Food prices are going thru the stratosphere. nobody can afford to eat, that is, IF there is food on the shelves. Things will happen much, much faster. People seem to waking up quickly this year. People will refuse to live in tent citys in every major city in the US much longer. The world is a powder keg right now.. any major disaster could be the fuse that sets it off.

Max Igan -Occupy thyself ! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Max Igan -Occupy thyself ! | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
11/25/11 - Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix . All this OWS, is a training op, its perpetuated by the governments to train all kinds of law enforcement in the field rather than among each other..We have to cut their money supply off by removing the illusion of the bank because thats what a bank is, an illusion of debt .There is no debt everything is already paid for , there is no debt or loan ,,, its a lie so you all will enslave yourselves to the same banking illusion that will destroy everthing...."As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists." ~Joan Gussow

It seems that human consciousness is at the point of great division,those who can see this thing & those who can't! Some people will always believe their politicians,some police will always enforce corporate interest, some soldiers will always believe they fight wars for the greater good! When you try and explain this thing to a lot of people, their brain seems to shut down, and you become "the crazy conspiracytheorist"!! Solutions are difficult when many conform to the system unequivocally?

Hyperinflation: The Fall of the American Dollar | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Hyperinflation: The Fall of the American Dollar | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
America printed ridiculous amounts of money in the last year, what do you think that stimulus (trillions) you may have heard about in the news is all about? the federal reserve has been anything but a failure for those who control it and created it to control the government of the united states. when we allowed a group of international bankers to create our money out of thin air we hung the noose around our necks. I spoke with someone who lived through Yugoslavia's massive hyperinflation. People general did barter as nobody could trust the currency. Really puts the emphasis on having items to use and trade. A pantry full of canned food would go pretty far if things get really bad.All records are broken sooner or latter 5 quadrillion % ? USA is the only candidate in the World to beat this record the same concept applies today. when the government interferes in the free market, it just makes thing worse. social security: debacle! health care: debacle! banking: debacle! housing: debacle! when will it end?! health care, banking, and housing have morphed into profit motive, not for socially responsible care. Social Security have deformed into something different from what it was intended to become. It was good when it was enacted, it should have been slowly dissolved in the 60s. . Corporatism is taking capitalism down the drain with your country , my advice to all good American citizens pay all your debts and get the hell out of your country before the so-called government holds you down

Ron Paul for President 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Ron Paul for President 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Fiat Money says No to Ron Paul 2012 The US definitely needs good, vettable candidates for challening Obama in 2012 ,Ron Paul is a good and honest man running for President, he speaks the truth courageously. He is the fix that the United States of America needs. We don't need a foolish President over spending and deciding to weaken our economy further. This man is a fix. ,Vote Ron Paul 2012! Don't let the international bankers, global corporations and the agenda driven media decide our elections! They can't silent all of us. The sleepy giant has awaken ,"Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies" Oppose the Deceivers Ron Paul 2012

Pepe Escobar : Syria then Iran and the real target is Russia | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Pepe Escobar : Syria then Iran and the real target is Russia | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Pepe Escobar : Syria then Iran and the real target is Russia

Pepe Escobar : Syria then Iran and the Goal is Russia , Pepe is one of the best analyst around ... Neither Russia nor China can stop Washington/NATO aggression, simply because neither have the military, nor economic capacity. I disagree with Pepe that a final show-down will take years. I think that it will happen within months, or even weeks. The entire world has been geared-up for WW3 since at least 911. Tensions have been deliberately ramped up to the point of no turning back. At least Syria will soon be struck. The morons in D.C. can use a hit on Iran in two ways. First; If Obama feels that he is not going to win, he has no moral compass and would attack them. Secondly; If Obama feels that he can win, with some certainty, then he will use his teleprompters yet again, and say that he has overted a war with Iran and use that to be re-selected. Then wait til after he's re-selected and then attack them. *Obama lets Jimmy Carter off the hook for being America's Worst President ever.

Whats the point in having a government that rule from the top down, like in America or UK or France or any of these so called democracies what a load of BS,we want direct democracy a la Gerald Celente's , the people should be in power, if the government wants to change any thing about the law or policys then the entire country should vote on it, im sure if they proposed going to war then the entire country would vote on it and say "WE DONT WANT TO GO TO WAR!" the governments of every country are evil they arnt even human beings .veterans are coming home to nothing (maybe homelessness). Even the financial sector is hemorrhaging jobs and big money investors are seeing the system as a risk laden racket that it is. The inner-circle, that protects & guards the rogue terrorist class of warmongers, is starting to fall apart .

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild Plans for the Final Solution | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild Plans for the Final Solution | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente : Forbes is pimping for the Financial Markets | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente : Forbes is pimping for the Financial Markets | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente - The Roy Green Show - 18 November 2011 "They called me Inflammatory ? how about calling Forbes The Pimping ! cause that's all they do they are always pimping for the Financial markets saying how great everything is " says Gerald Celente " in February 2009 my assistant at the time just left a bond company that went bust and of course she started learning about what we are doing here at the trends institute close down her 401Ks , gold was selling about $700 an ounce a thousand dollar cheaper than it is now , they called it doomsday investing they made fun of me back then and they said she was overreacting ! so what anybody would listen to Forbes " Gerald added

Paul Craig Roberts : besides Ron Paul the rest of the GOP are a bunch of idiots | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : besides Ron Paul the rest of the GOP are a bunch of idiots | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : besides Ron Paul the rest of the GOP are a bunch of idiots | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : besides Ron Paul the rest of the GOP are a bunch of idiots | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : "Well you know there is only one candidate for president. That's Ron Paul. The rest of them are a bunch of idiots." , I have never seen such a collection of dopes , it could just be that they are bought and paid for by the military security complex says Roberts , Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, always spot-on his analyses tend to be extremely insightful and penetrating.Our civil liberties have been eroded , We have 'trickle-down tyranny'. Our police officers have become thugs, local-government officials act like local despots, schools are purveyors of propaganda, and hospitals and nursing homes are rife with neglect and abuse.Most people are afraid to participate in civil disobeience in what will be branded by the establishment as "domestic terrorism." the TSA, the chemtrailing, the propaganda, the militarization of the police, the financial collapse..The challenge for every person who is " awake" to attempt to awaken as many potential Ron Paul supporters as possible between now and the primaries.Every new awakened person must join that effort to awake others...its a geometric progression - awakening must go viral, time is running out. Ron Paul 2012 , forget the rest elect the best.

Bob Chapman On The Alex Jones Show 25 Nov 2011 | Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Blog

The Pursuit of Profit by Peter Joseph | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

The Pursuit of Profit by Peter Joseph | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spain's Election Turns on Economy | News | English

Spain's Election Turns on Economy | News | English: Spain's Election Turns on Economy

Lisa Bryant | Paris
A woman cast her vote in a voting station in Madrid, November 20, 2011.
Photo: AP
A woman cast her vote in a voting station in Madrid, November 20, 2011.

Spaniards are voting Sunday in legislative elections that are expected to return the conservative Popular Party to power. Initial results are due in the evening.

Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero swept to power in 2004 amid the high drama of the Madrid terrorist attacks, unseating the ruling conservative Popular Party. But today, the economy dominates voter concerns. Unemployment is high, growth is sluggish and the country's public debt is growing.

How to Improve Global Health? Focus on Chronic Disease. -

How to Improve Global Health? Focus on Chronic Disease. - By LAURA LANDRO

When it comes to addressing health care, the debate in the U.S. is just a drop in the global bucket. The developing world is facing a host of health-care challenges—whose economic effects reach all the way to America's shores.

The Wall Street Journal's Laura Landro moderated the task-force discussion on global health.

Here are edited excerpts of the presentation of their priorities to the CEO Council.
Not Just a Moral Issue

MS. LANDRO: Global health is not just a moral and ethical issue that we should be interested in, but also a leading driver of economic growth and productivity or the lack thereof. The Global Health Initiative at the World Economic Forum recently changed its focus from infectious to noncommunicable diseases. As George Halvorson from Kaiser-Permanente will explain, that came to the top of our list of recommendations.

Gerald Celente : The Rothschild would be jealous if they see what Goldman Sachs have been taking over | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente : The Rothschild would be jealous if they see what Goldman Sachs have been taking over | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente : The Rothschild would be jealous if they see what Goldman Sachs have been taking over
Gerald Celente on the Financial Sense Newshour - 19 Nov 2011 : The Rothschild would be jealous if they see what Goldman Sachs have been taking over , of Jon Corzine who is running MF Goldman Sachs is the ex CEO of Goldman Sachs as most of the white shoe boyz club running this casino economy Gerald Celente explains

Inside The Meltdown | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Inside The Meltdown | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Interesting video, but attempts to make Paulson, Bwany Fwank, Doofus Dodd, etc., look like heroes for rushing to the crises. The reality is they collectively caused it - or at least were complicit in it - and then paid their bastard cronies off with OUR money and OUR future. America has been screwed by these insidious, cancerous vultures who look at their fellow Americans - who put them in office - with disgust and contempt as they fleece the middle class.This Frontline video fails to mention the huge number of American voters who were telling their Senators and Congressional Reps -- in no uncertain terms -- to vote against the bailout. It's kind of odd. The video does show a few Republicans inveighing against the original bailout on the House floor, and very quickly mentions that over 90 Democrats also voted against it. But the video doesn't mention the voter fury over this issue at all. Weird.

CBS attacks Ron Paul

Friday, November 18, 2011

Global Economic Collapse 2012: Looming Threats from the Bond Market - International Business Times

Global Economic Collapse 2012: Looming Threats from the Bond Market - International Business Times: Still, some analysts have not ruled out the possibility of a global economic collapse in 2012.

Michael Pento, President of Pento Portfolio Strategies, sees major risks in the sovereign bond market of the developed world.

“The truth is that Europe, and quite possibly Japan and the U.S., face a recession in 2012 due to a full-blown bond market crisis,” said Pento in a research commentary.

The Eurozone is already on the brink of toppling. The yields on the 10-year debt of Italy and Spain are near 7 percent, a level that is likely unsustainable. If this trend of rising yields continues, these two countries will go the way of Greece.

Mandatory social security cuts. EGAD

Dear friend,
I wanted to make sure you saw my email below about the mandatory Social Security cuts the congressional Super Committee could propose next Wednesday. Already, more than 100,000 people have signed the petition demanding that Congress reject cuts to Social Security and tax the 1% instead. So we've extended the deadline for petition signatures until Monday.
The pressure is building, and not just online. Yesterday was the single biggest day of action in the streets across the country since the beginning of the Occupy movement. And right now a courageous group is marching through the cold from Occupy Wall Street in New York City to Washington, DC, to bring the energy of the 99% directly to Congress.
This is a crucial moment for us all to raise our voices.

Inflation Deception

Get ready for the Economic Collapse

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Banksters Robbing us Blind Alex Jones

» Gingrich Said to Be Paid By Freddie Mac to Court Republicans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gingrich Said to Be Paid By Freddie Mac to Court Republicans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said during a Nov. 9 debate that he earned a $300,000 fee to advise Freddie Mac as a “historian” who warned that the mortgage company’s business model was “insane.”

Former Freddie Mac officials familiar with the consulting work Gingrich was hired to perform for the company in 2006 tell a different story. They say the former House speaker was asked to build bridges to Capitol Hill Republicans and develop an argument on behalf of the company’s public-private structure that would resonate with conservatives seeking to dismantle it.

If Gingrich concluded that the company’s business model was at risk and that the housing market was a “bubble,” as he said during the debate, he didn’t share those concerns with Richard Syron, Freddie Mac’s chief executive officer at the time, a person familiar with the company’s internal discussions said.

With MF Global Money Still Missing, Suspicions Grow -

With MF Global Money Still Missing, Suspicions Grow - Nearly three weeks after $600 million in customer money went missing from MF Global, the search for the cash has been hampered by the bankrupt brokerage firm’s sloppy record-keeping, an increasingly worrisome situation that has left regulators frustrated and customers in the lurch.

The round-the-clock effort has consumed an alphabet soup of federal regulators and criminal investigators, with lawyers sleeping at open desks and each agency commandeering a different conference room at the firm’s offices. But as authorities comb through some 38,000 customer accounts, they are growing more suspicious about what went wrong at MF Global, the commodities powerhouse once run by Jon S. Corzine, the former Democratic governor of New Jersey.

Be Honest CNBC-You Are Biased Against Ron Paul

Be Honest CNBC-You Are Biased Against Ron Paul: hose of us who have supported Ron Paul since his presidential run in 2008 (and some who supported him long before that) have come to expect an astonishing array of mainstream media tricks, lies, and censorship when it comes to the “journalistic” examination of the good doctor. This doesn’t mean, however, that we have ever or will ever come to ACCEPT this consistent trend of deception and disinformation as a forgone conclusion of our political lives. We will never throw up our hands and walk away from the mess the MSM has deliberately created, because that is exactly what they would like us to do; give up, shut up, go home, vote for Romney (an establishment crony with the creepy grin of a pedophile), and watch him lose to Obama (yet another establishment crony) in 2012.

Fed Reserve asked tuff Questions

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

US farm exports boom as rest of economy struggles

US farm exports boom as rest of economy struggles: e pointed to the new trade deal with South Korea, which he expects will boost U.S. farm exports by about $1.9 billion annually. It also may reopen the door for discussions with China and Japan about reducing their restrictions on American beef imports, he said.

Exports in general have been a bright spot in the struggling U.S. economy, which is why the Obama administration has set a goal of doubling them in five years. Agriculture makes up about 9 percent of U.S. exports, compared with about 80 percent for manufacturing. But Commerce Department data show farm exports grew much faster than manufacturing exports during the past decade _ by 123 percent compared to 68 percent.

High prices for farm products explains much of the increase in value for agriculture exports _ the same products shipped overseas are worth much more today than they were 10 years ago. But the USDA also has done a "great job" of promoting agricultural exports, said Frank Vargo, vice president for international economic affairs at the National Association of Manufacturers.

Oil hits $100 as US economy slowly improves -

Oil hits $100 as US economy slowly improves - Still, if oil holds above $100 per barrel for long, gasoline will inevitably rise from a national average of $3.402 on Wednesday. Analysts are already predicting pump prices above $4 per gallon in the spring.

It's tough to say how high oil will go.

After a similar surge in the spring, prices fell in April from this year's peak near $114 per barrel on fears of another U.S. recession and as industrialized nations planned and later released emergency supplies.

MF Global Unexplained Wire Transfer

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Days before the doomed financial broker filed for bankruptcy, MF Global conducted "unexplained wire transfers" that led to a $900 million shortfall in client funds, leading customers like Gerald Celente to learn that their accounts had been looted and setting the precedent for internal bank runs as more big firms go bust.

According to Bloomberg, "Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world's largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said."

CME noticed the missing funds on October 30, but MF Global didn't inform the Commodity Futures Trading Commission until the day after, suggesting that the transfers were made,... More

MF GLOBAL SCANDAL Massaive Looting

MF Global Scandal Presages Massive Looting Up Ahead

By Kurt Nimmo

Following trends forecaster Gerald Celente's RT and Infowars Nighty News interviews on MF Global swindling his gold futures, the corporate media has sheepishly reported on the scandal of organized thievery that serves as another indicator that the bankers will not rest until they loot the entire economy and leave all of us homeless on the continent our ancestors conquered.
The establishment media is reporting on the woes of thousands of MF Global customers who lost their socks in the bankruptcy of the global financial derivatives broker, but is generally ignoring the larger picture - MF Global's behavior is part of a criminal pattern.
Even the Wall Street Journal was obliged to note the fact that the globalist titan J.P. Morgan is attempting to make off with the remains of MF Global as the assets of 2,500 customers disappear down a black hole.
MF Global was an engineered takedown designed to loot the little guy. The big players - Celente calls them them the "white shoe boys" - were notified in advance and quietly moved their money out of the doomed financial company.
"Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were charged with overseeing MF Global, their clearing member. If we are to believe them, they had no idea of any difficulties within the firm before customer accounts went missing just a few days before the collapse. But someone clearly knew of the cratering positions and imminent collapse of MF Global, as billions of dollars of accounts were "coincidentally" withdrawn," writes Huffington Post's Daniel Dicker, noting how funds in accounts owned by the billionaire Koch brothers were withdrawn just in time, clearly suggesting that big players got a "heads up" that MF Global was going down.
"Although the collapse of MF Global was assured when it came to light that the broker was heavily exposed to the European debt crisis, causing the broker's stock price to plummet, Fox Business reports that numerous circumstances indicate the downfall was in the works weeks before, drawing attention to the fact that employees didn't receive commissions for the third quarter and were fired two weeks before the firm filed for bankruptcy," writes Paul Joseph Watson.
It now appears some MF Global customers may get a portion of their money back. The brazen scam "has affected trading in futures markets, and has shaken public confidence in our customer protection regime," according to Scott D. O'Malia, a commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Confidence in "regulatory" agencies of the federal government must be upheld, lest the slaves revolt. It would be foolhardy, however, the believe the CFTC will save us - they like the rest of the federal government work for the bankers, not the people.
MP Global is a relatively small brush fire in a larger conflagration designed to flatten the United States and other advanced economies. In 2008, the Lehman bankruptcy inaugurated phase one of the Greatest Depression as the subprime housing market asset bubble imploded with predictable reverberations throughout the economy. Now we are told the European debt contagion will reach America and stifle any "recovery" planned by the Keynesians and the bankster cartel at the Federal Reserve.
The global elite will not rest until all economic structures are aflame and taking on water. At precisely the right moment, the globalists plan to pose as our saviors with a rescue that will instead be a curse - a centralized banking structure and managed economy complete with world government and a totalitarian police state to keep the rabble in order.

Gerald Celente : Trade Wars & Trade Deals with Obama & Bernanke | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente : Trade Wars & Trade Deals with Obama & Bernanke | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Gerald Celente : Trade Wars & Trade Deals with Obama & Bernanke
Gerald Celente : we have a combination of the two ( Trade Wars & Trade Deals ) what we are looking at is as the US economic policy continues to fail in the broad day light , you hear people like president Obama treasury secretary Geithner FED Chairman Bernanke all now taking a shot at China and you listen to the language it is hysterical if it was not so sad like coming from Ben Bernanke saying that China's cheap money policy is slowing down the recovery ....there is no recovery what they are doing this is again a replay of history , is they're blaming others for their failures ..if you want to talk about anybody devaluing the currency all you have to do is look at the mirror Ben ...."

Anonymous to Occupy the airwaves ? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Anonymous to Occupy the airwaves ? | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Just like in V for Vendetta and the cyber wars predicted by Gerald Celente , Anonymous is now planning to hijack TV and Radio stations nation wide and broadcast their own messages across the country .Anonymous has as taken credit for a recent string of high-profile cyber attacks against the websites of businesses, banks and politicians that have either spoken out against or stopped doing business with whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks. But as good hackers groups they 'will always have technology that is one step ahead.' sometimes you have to break the rules, to change things Everything was bound to happen with the greed of the governments (and shadow government) People are barely making ends meet and surviving at this point due to greed from the billionaires running the entire show. We WILL prevail let the worldwide revolution begin.

Head Fund Managers fleeing sinking ship

The Hedge Fund Managers are heading for the hills - something is about to happen | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: The Hedge Fund Managers are heading for the hills - something is about to happen
The Hedge Fund Managers are heading for the hills this is a signal that something is about to happen , They are leaving because depression & WW III is coming that is why. When war comes Banks money is peoples money that is why they are trying to save their filthy money. Americans are not stupid they know what is happening. They are cowards. Americans are waking up.Justice is 'Just US'as says Gerald Celente on Wall St. mafia ,The EU's on the verge of clamping down on 'hedge funds', which are believed to have been at the root of the global downturn. But the U.S. is wary - it's home to many of the secretive, high-wealth funds .those darn hedge fund managers! They really pushed the margin way over the line!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby Boomers Hot Topic In Baja

Conference: The Baby Boomer Market in Mexico: The emerging Baby Boomer market in Mexico will be the focus of a conference Nov. 16 and 17 at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, in Baja California, Mexico, sponsored by the Retirement Communities Association in Mexico (AMAR) and the State of Baja California.

"Our location is unparalleled with any other region in Mexico, and considered the next big retirement and expat destination in the country," said Javier Govi, AMAR president.

The two-day conference will focus on the nature of the Baby Boomer market and how developers and investors can better reach this huge segment. Topics will include pricing, design and services best suited to the market.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cutting Americans off at the knees thru taxation

Economy may falter if tax cut expires Dec. 31 – The tax cut was approved as a temporary measure last fall. The law cut the tax paid by employees, which supports the Social Security program, to 4.2% of the first $106,800 of a worker's income from 6.2%. That cut gave $1,000 back to a worker earning $50,000 a year.

The problem is that 70% of economists' forecasts anticipate the cut would be extended in 2012, as the economy struggles and unemployment remains stubbornly high, said Randell Moore, editor of the Blue Chip Economic Indicators forecasting newsletter. Throw in the $30 billion at risk if Congress doesn't agree to continue long-term unemployment compensation, which is also up for renewal, and it amounts to almost 1% of gross domestic product, said Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis.

Austerity Measures or Bust?

Global economy week ahead: The drum beat for austerity gets louder - The Economic Times: Credit is tightening for parts of the region as it struggles to contain a sovereign debt crisis that has already forced Greece, Portugal and Ireland into bailouts. Now, even relatively strong economies like France are pushing new measures to rein in spending.

"Fiscal austerity winds are blowing," said Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman in New York. "This is going to act to slow down growth."

GeoEngineering poisoning America slowly

Ron Paul Highlights

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Homeless War Veterans a Crime

Billionaires beat Jail

GOP following Ron Paul on spending Cuts

GOP contenders says they will cut spending to reduce federal debt - The Washington Post: Mitt Romney said Saturday night that the country cannot keep borrowing money from China to pay for domestic programs that aren’t necessary, offering budget cuts to the arts and public broadcasting. Jon Huntsman pointed to Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget outline as a start to reduce the federal deficit, saying it offers a template that puts everything on the table.
Newt Gingrich says the United States needs to grow the economy to bring in more tax dollars. Those funds could then help develop the economy to balance future budgets.

How the Economy Affects College Decisions in the US – Visualizations - My Telegraph

How the Economy Affects College Decisions in the US – Visualizations - My Telegraph: he recession economy has strained both students and institutions alike. As tuition and fees continue to skyrocket for all universities, in-state options with “discounted” price tags seem all the more appealing to residents feeling strapped for cash. However, state institutions have suffered massive funding cuts and, instead of looking to accommodate this influx of in-state applicants, are actually placing heavy emphasis on out-of-state students for the additional revenue they provide. Course Hero’s most recent infographic examines how the dynamics of the college decision process have shifted in this challenging economy

How the Economy Affects College Decisions in the US – Visualizations - My Telegraph

How the Economy Affects College Decisions in the US – Visualizations - My Telegraph: he recession economy has strained both students and institutions alike. As tuition and fees continue to skyrocket for all universities, in-state options with “discounted” price tags seem all the more appealing to residents feeling strapped for cash. However, state institutions have suffered massive funding cuts and, instead of looking to accommodate this influx of in-state applicants, are actually placing heavy emphasis on out-of-state students for the additional revenue they provide. Course Hero’s most recent infographic examines how the dynamics of the college decision process have shifted in this challenging economy

Obama's disapproval rating (on economy) hits record high. Again. | Naked Politics

Obama's disapproval rating (on economy) hits record high. Again. | Naked Politics: About 60 percent of voters said they disapprove of Mr. Obama's handling of the economy, the highest on record. Just 34 percent approve of the job he is doing on the matter.

His overall approval ratings are just 43 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.

Among independents, just 39 percent are satisfied with his performance, while 76 percent of Democrats and 12 percent of Republicans approve of his job performance.

Greeks, Seeking Access to Health Care, Stuff Envelopes Full of Cash - Forbes

Greeks, Seeking Access to Health Care, Stuff Envelopes Full of Cash - Forbes: n the land where Hippocrates was born, and the principle of selfless medicine invented, it has come to this: desperate Greek patients stuffing envelopes full of cash, in order to convince a doctor to see them. So reports Charles Forelle in today’s Wall Street Journal, where the end result of socialized medicine is on full display.

“Like nearly all Greeks,” writes Forelle, “[George] Gianakouras was covered by a state social-security fund, which paid €10,000 ($13,600) for [his] hospital bill. There was one more thing: Mr. Gianakouras said he gave his surgeon ‘black money’—€5,000 in cash—to perform the operation. ‘If you don’t pay,’ he said, ‘you don’t get anything done.’” It has gotten to the point where the hallways of Greek hospitals are plastered with those circular no-smoking signs, with the red slash through the middle, except that the lit cigarette has been replaced by a stuffed envelope.

The Cancer Cure

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: very gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed" - Dwight Eisenhower - Supreme Allied Commander
Well, a few more weeks, and the world will be at war once again. The following countries will be attacked, invaded, or bombed:

Afghanistan (Opium resource funds U.S.)
Iraq (Oil Fields funds U.S. also the 3rd largest Oil Contractor)
Pakistan (Country is destabilized for a false flag)
Yemen (Officially invaded by the U.S. a few weeks ago)
Somalia (Officially invaded by XE/Blackwater Mercenaries a few days ago)
Iran (Will soon be attacked by Israel)
Syria (Will soon be attacked by Israel)
Jordan (Will soon be attacked by Israel)
Lebanon (Will soon be attacked by Israel)
Turkey (Will soon be attacked by Israel and allies)
Venezuela (Will soon be attacked by U.S.)
Oman (Will soon be attacked by U.S. and allies)
Qatar (Will soon be attacked by U.S. and allies)
Egypt (Will soon be attacked by Israel)
Saudi Arabia (Will soon enter the war, side taken unknown)

And this is just the beginning...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Obama’s Influential Mideast Envoy to Resign -

Hmmmmm. Very interesting. I wonder if he going someplace safe????
Obama’s Influential Mideast Envoy to Resign - Mr. Ross, who announced his departure at a lunch with Jewish leaders, told White House officials that he promised his wife he would leave the government after two years. He joined the administration in February 2009 as a senior adviser in the State Department before moving to the National Security Council that June.

Iran to women: No skiing unless with a male guardian - BlogPost - The Washington Post


Iran to women: No skiing unless with a male guardian - BlogPost - The Washington Post: EHRAN — The first snow of the season fell in Tehran this week, but female ski bums planning to carve fresh lines at one of the three resorts in the Alborz mountain range will be able to hit the slopes only if they are accompanied by a male guardian.

Attack on Iran Facilities Would Only Delay Nuclear Program, Panetta Says - Bloomberg

Attack on Iran Facilities Would Only Delay Nuclear Program, Panetta Says - Bloomberg: U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities might delay its alleged nuclear weapons program by only up to three years and he warned of “unintended consequences.”

While a military option must be kept available, it might not result in “really deterring Iran from what they want to do,” he said.

“You’ve got to be careful of unintended consequences here,” Panetta said at a Pentagon press conference. “It could have a serious impact in the region and it could have a serious impact on U.S. forces in the region,” he said of a hypothetical U.S. military strike.

Rational Irrationality: Pop Goes Perry; Mitt Marches On : The New Yorker

This is just too embarrassing to even watch. I hope that was how to spell embarrassing. lol

Rational Irrationality: Pop Goes Perry; Mitt Marches On : The New Yorker: With Europe in chaos, Wall Street having another conniption, and global capitalism again on the brink, light relief is badly needed. Once more, last night, the Republican Presidential candidates didn’t let us down.

To begin with, of course, there was Rick Perry’s mental blackout, the tape of which you will most certainly have seen. (Just in case you’ve been held in solitary confinement and deprived of television and the Internet for the last however many hours, it is above.) But that was more snuff video than comedic entertainment. Wracking my brain to come up with similarly excruciating moments, I thought back to 1992, when Vice Admiral James Stockdale, Ross Perot’s running mate, struggled with his hearing aid and lost his train of thought during a Vice-Presidential debate with Al Gore and Dan Quayle. But when I went to YouTube and re-watched those incidents for the first time in many years, they didn’t look nearly as bad as Perry’s gaffe.

Monarch butterflies decline at wintering grounds in Mexico, Texas drought adds to stress to migration

Monarch butterflies decline at wintering grounds in Mexico, Texas drought adds to stress to migration: Every fall, millions of monarch butterflies travel south to Mexico and take refuge in twelve mountain sanctuaries of oyamel fir forests. Now, declining numbers of the overwintering butterflies expose the migration’s vulnerability and raise questions about threats throughout the monarch’s lifecycle.

A study published online last spring in Insect Conservation and Diversity shows a decrease in Mexico’s overwintering monarch butterflies between 1994 and 2011. The butterflies face loss of wintering habitat in Mexico and breeding habitat in the United States. Extreme weather, like winter storms in Mexico and the ongoing drought in Texas, adds yet another challenge.

Government's Fast and Furious operation sparks gun control discussion | Deseret News

Government's Fast and Furious operation sparks gun control discussion | Deseret News: Fast and Furious became public earlier this year when ATF agent John Dodson came forward following the death of Brian Terry, a member of a special tactical border squad. Terry was killed while on patrol, and the guns used in his murder were later traced back to Fast and Furious.

Although the government was responsible for the guns allowed into Mexico, both Breuer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., discussed the need for increased gun control during the Nov. 1 hearing.

“I know others disagree, but we have very lax laws when it comes to guns, and I think this to some extent influences BATF and how they approach the problem as to whether they have political support or not,” Feinstein said. “The question comes, what can we do? I’d really rather concentrate on the constructive rather than other things.”

Republican Candidates Debate Economy; Perry Stumbles « VOA Breaking News

I think I would rather not have a pervert or a good looking dummy running the country.

Republican Candidates Debate Economy; Perry Stumbles « VOA Breaking News: Perry failed to remember the names of all three federal agencies he has promised to eliminate. Once a front-runner in the race, Perry has seen his poll numbers plummet after several weak debate performances.

Perry admitted after the debate that he was embarrassed at the gaffe, but said people will understand that it is his “conservative principles that matter.”

The debate Wednesday outside the city of Detroit was crucial for Georgia businessman Herman Cain, who has surged to the front of the pack and is hoping to maintain momentum despite the emergence of sexual harassment accusations against him.

New recession threatens the globe as debt crisis grows - Telegraph

New recession threatens the globe as debt crisis grows - Telegraph: Professor Simon Johnson, a former chief economist at the IMF, rattled nerves earlier this week by warning the world is "looking straight into the face of a great depression".

The grim data is coming thick and fast. Japan's machinery orders fell 8.2pc in September as the post-Fukushima rebound lost steam and the delayed effects of the super-strong yen began to bite. Export orders have been declining for eight months. "Outright contraction is possible in the quarters ahead," said Mark Cliffe from ING.

Exports in the Philippines dropped 27pc in September, the sharpest fall in two years. Korea's exports have showed sharply, caused by a 20pc slide in shipments to Europe. Manufacturing has been contracting for the past three months.

U.S. economy remains at risk from European financial mess - National Business -

U.S. economy remains at risk from European financial mess - National Business - orrowing costs remain elevated for Italy, a nation with a $2.6 trillion deficit and about $300 billion in borrowing needs over the next year or so. On Wednesday, Italy was forced to pay investors a 7.6 percent rate of return on its 10-year bonds, well above the 7 percent threshold at which other European nations were forced to seek rescue packages.

Investors eased up on Italy on Thursday, and the rate of return on the benchmark 10-year bond fell to 6.873 percent, slightly below the danger zone.

With Italy calming, U.S. stocks recovered some lost ground. The Dow Jones industrial average closed up 112.92 points to 11,893.86, while the S&P 500 rose by 10.60 points to 1,239.70. The NASDAQ gained 3.50 points to end at 2,625.15.

This week's financial volatility underscored how problems in Greece and now Italy not only can contaminate neighboring countries but also pose risks around the globe. Whether it's surging oil prices, slower sales by U.S. corporations operating in Europe or reduced demand for U.S. farm exports there, the downturn in Europe already is sending shock waves to our shores.


Dear Rick Perry: It's Over | The Stir

Dear Rick Perry: It's Over | The Stir: You had your opponents trying to help you out! "Five, you need five!" said Ron Paul when you couldn't remember the third government agency you'd like to cut. (Why were you looking to him for help, anyway?!?) "The EPA?" Romney offered. It almost turned the debate into a game show. And let me tell you, I was watching my Twitter stream, which is loaded to the hilt with liberals, and they all felt sorry for you. Governor P, if there's anything a conservative presidential candidate doesn't want, it's the pity of liberals.

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Banks have become the Predator

In Israel, talk of a strike on Iran sparks public debate

In Israel, talk of a strike on Iran sparks public debate
 What many suspect began as an attempt by Israel to intimidate Iran and motivate the West to do more to crack down on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program has instead inadvertently exposed public ambivalence, government division and a surprising politicization over one of Israel's most pressing security threats.

Bill O'Reilly Bashes Ron Paul on his Raido Show - YouTube

Bill O'Reilly Bashes Ron Paul on his Raido Show - YouTube: - Sent using Google Toolbar

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ron Paul "Jim Grant NEW Fed Chairman" - YouTube

Ron Paul "Jim Grant NEW Fed Chairman" - YouTube: - Sent using Google Toolbar

Shocking chart shows inflation is now soaring above 11% | Before It's News

Shocking chart shows inflation is now soaring above 11% | Before It's News: According to Shadowstats, we are now seeing price inflation rates of over 11% – almost three times higher than the official numbers.

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U.S. Economy: Service Industries Cool, Sentiment Declines - Businessweek

U.S. Economy: Service Industries Cool, Sentiment Declines - Businessweek: v. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Service industries in the U.S. expanded at a slower pace and consumer confidence plunged, supporting Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s forecast that the economic recovery will be “frustratingly slow.”

A gauge of non-manufacturing industries making up about 90 percent of the economy fell to 52.9 in October from 53 in September, the Tempe, Arizona-based Institute for Supply Management said today. A reading above 50 signals growth. The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index dropped to the lowest level since the depths of the recession in 2009.

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One of Cain's Accusers Offers Statement for Restaurant Association to Review

One of Cain's Accusers Offers Statement for Restaurant Association to Review: The candidate himself continues to rebut the allegations.

"This is absolutely fabrication, man," Cain told conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity, adding later: "We're not going to get distracted. As of today we're back on message and we're going to stay on message."

One of the women said earlier this week that she wanted to talk publicly about accusations that Cain had sexually harassed her, but she has since changed her mind and wanted to make a written statement through her lawyer.

The woman's lawyer, Joel Bennett, gave the statement to the restaurant group, said Sue Hensley, a spokeswoman for the restaurant association.

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