Report: Attempt to smuggle Assad's wife out of Syria foiled - Israel News, Ynetnews: Has Bashar Assad's wife been attempting to follow in the footsteps of the wife of Muammar Gadaffi? Egypt's al-Masri al-Youm newspaper reported Sunday that Syrian rebels thwarted an attempt to smuggle Asma Assad, wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad out of the country.
Sources within the Syrian opposition said that the Free Syrian Army forces managed to prevent the escape of the first lady of Syria and additional relatives through Damascus airport.
Alternative News Media: "To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men"
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Top Gen: Israel, US See Threat Differently - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Top Gen: Israel, US See Threat Differently - Middle East - News - Israel National News: weekly National Journal, Dempsey said that the U.S. remained committed to preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and was prepared to use force if necessary. He cautioned, however, that a conflict with Iran would destabilize the region and potentially have a severe economic impact on the U.S.
“I do think the path we're on—the economic sanctions and the diplomatic pressure—does seem to me to be having an effect,” Dempsey told National Journal. “I just think that it’s premature to be deciding that the economic and diplomatic approach is inadequate.”
“I do think the path we're on—the economic sanctions and the diplomatic pressure—does seem to me to be having an effect,” Dempsey told National Journal. “I just think that it’s premature to be deciding that the economic and diplomatic approach is inadequate.”
Panetta: Iran could have bomb within a year | Times 247
Panetta: Iran could have bomb within a year | Times 247: U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned on Sunday that Iran could develop a nuclear bomb within a year and reiterated that the U.S. would do anything to stop it. ...
When asked if “whatever steps necessary” include military steps, he responded, “There are no options that are off the table.” ...
When asked if “whatever steps necessary” include military steps, he responded, “There are no options that are off the table.” ...
UPDATE 2-Euro zone jobless hits highest level since birth of euro | Reuters
UPDATE 2-Euro zone jobless hits highest level since birth of euro | Reuters: BRUSSELS, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Euro zone unemployment has risen to its highest level since before the euro was introduced, data showed on Tuesday, a day after EU leaders promised to focus on creating millions of new jobs to try to kickstart Europe's floundering economy.
Joblessness among the 17 countries sharing the single currency rose to 10.4 percent in December, on a par with an upwardly revised November figure, the EU's statistics office Eurostat said in its release of seasonally-adjusted data.
It was the highest rate since June 1998, before the euro was introduced in 1999.
Joblessness among the 17 countries sharing the single currency rose to 10.4 percent in December, on a par with an upwardly revised November figure, the EU's statistics office Eurostat said in its release of seasonally-adjusted data.
It was the highest rate since June 1998, before the euro was introduced in 1999.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Kelly Voluntaryist vs the TSA (Official Video) - YouTube
Go girl!
Kelly Voluntaryist vs the TSA (Official Video) - YouTube: Kelly Voluntaryist vs the TSA (Official Video)
Kelly Voluntaryist vs the TSA (Official Video) - YouTube: Kelly Voluntaryist vs the TSA (Official Video)
How Banks Are Using the Financial Crisis to Benefit Themselves | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
How Banks Are Using the Financial Crisis to Benefit Themselves | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: How Banks Are Using the Financial Crisis to Benefit Themselves For an alternative to our anti-democratic system Gerald Celente and Jim Rogers are proposing direct democracy a project to create a system that will hold politicians feet to the fire, and to put shackles on lobbyists so that they can no longer control the system. One day we might have a system that's controlled by the people and is for the people. This is an idea put forth for Americans but it can easily work in any other part of the world. These lectures (or at least the concepts) need to be distributed (and injected) into the mindset of all Americans who care about the US as a sovereign republic.
WW3 is a planned event for 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
WW3 is a planned event for 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: WW3 is a planned event for 2012 : The letter that Pike wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 graphically outlined plans for three world wars to usher in the Luciferian World Order. We can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. Albert Pike who wrote about the 3 world wars in a letter to fellow free mason Mazzini, everything that the letter described about the first two world wars happened exactly how Pike described they would be in this letter before the world wars even happened. William Guy Carr actually posses the manuscripts of this letter and that it is not cataloged in the British Museum Library. Carr quotes this letter in "Satan: Prince of this World" book and "Pawn's in the Game".
Obama and Bernanke: Cooking Up Another Market Bubble? - Forbes
Obama and Bernanke: Cooking Up Another Market Bubble? - Forbes: Just to make sure, Bernanke signaled that the Fed would keep interest rates low at least through 2014. This is unhappy news to America’s savers and the rabidly anti-Fed Ron Paul (who believes Fed money printing is the root cause of our economic malaise), but music to the ears of investors, new homebuyers, and for what Obama terms those “responsible homeowers” seeking home refinancing (who will now pay a 30-year mortgage rate of just 3.88%). Who knows, maybe housing principal forgiveness is on the way too (ah, heck, throw in a toaster while’s you’re at it).
GERALD CELENTE BLOG: Celente on Obama State of the Union Address
GERALD CELENTE BLOG: Celente on Obama State of the Union Address: Celente on Obama State of the Union Address
Gerald Celente: The first top trend of 2012 is called economic martial law. The systems are collapsing. You do not fix them by dumping more money on top of them. You have a 3rd mortgage? How about a 4th…that’s going to solve the problem. So what we’re saying is, watch out for a bank holiday.
Gerald Celente: The first top trend of 2012 is called economic martial law. The systems are collapsing. You do not fix them by dumping more money on top of them. You have a 3rd mortgage? How about a 4th…that’s going to solve the problem. So what we’re saying is, watch out for a bank holiday.
GERALD CELENTE BLOG: Gerald Celente Predictions for 2012
GERALD CELENTE BLOG: Gerald Celente Predictions for 2012: erald Celente Predictions for 2012
USA unsustainable debt soon destroys America, , trend forecaster Gerald Celente is a man with a pretty good track record of predictions. He predicted the 1987 Wall Street Crash and the fall of communism. What he told ABC Australia Adelaide Radio today in his forecast for 2012 was fascinating, funny and a bit frightening. His take on the world's economic woes is alarming to say the least. Gerald Celente suggests it's time the money lenders weren't bailed out but "thrown out of the temple". He says Australia needs to be aware that its economy won't get out of this unscathed as the European and the US economies wobble and begin to crash.
USA unsustainable debt soon destroys America, , trend forecaster Gerald Celente is a man with a pretty good track record of predictions. He predicted the 1987 Wall Street Crash and the fall of communism. What he told ABC Australia Adelaide Radio today in his forecast for 2012 was fascinating, funny and a bit frightening. His take on the world's economic woes is alarming to say the least. Gerald Celente suggests it's time the money lenders weren't bailed out but "thrown out of the temple". He says Australia needs to be aware that its economy won't get out of this unscathed as the European and the US economies wobble and begin to crash.
Stacey Westfall Horsemanship - YouTube
Stacey Westfall Horsemanship - YouTube: Stacey Westfall Horsemanship
McAlvany Wealth Management | McAlvany Weekly Recap
McAlvany Wealth Management | McAlvany Weekly Recap: Here’s the news of the week – and how we see it here at McAlvany Wealth Management:
1. Will European Storm Clouds Bring Rain? The IMF, the World Bank, and a growing number of central bankers (present and former) from around the world are gravely concerned about 2012, and have been adjusting growth expectations down yet again. We wonder if these groups aren’t trying to influence the ECB, the BOE, the FED, and the BOJ, along with the PBOC, to liquefy the markets ahead of any crisis rather than in response to it.
Mixed signals in the market leave observers upbeat, but cautious. Take Germany as an example of confused currents. The DAX has seen a 12% recovery off its January 1 levels, but, interestingly, a tremendous amount of money still favors the German bond market instead. Thirty-year Bunds have traded in recent weeks with yields less than 2.5%, impressively low compared to US treasuries of similar maturity that yield an extra 40-50bps (UST30YR right around 3%). Purchases of long bonds at these historically low rates indicate real concern over eurozone stability.
1. Will European Storm Clouds Bring Rain? The IMF, the World Bank, and a growing number of central bankers (present and former) from around the world are gravely concerned about 2012, and have been adjusting growth expectations down yet again. We wonder if these groups aren’t trying to influence the ECB, the BOE, the FED, and the BOJ, along with the PBOC, to liquefy the markets ahead of any crisis rather than in response to it.
Mixed signals in the market leave observers upbeat, but cautious. Take Germany as an example of confused currents. The DAX has seen a 12% recovery off its January 1 levels, but, interestingly, a tremendous amount of money still favors the German bond market instead. Thirty-year Bunds have traded in recent weeks with yields less than 2.5%, impressively low compared to US treasuries of similar maturity that yield an extra 40-50bps (UST30YR right around 3%). Purchases of long bonds at these historically low rates indicate real concern over eurozone stability.
Sen. Rand Paul on Hannity on Fox News - 1/25/12 - YouTube
Sen. Rand Paul on Hannity on Fox News - 1/25/12 - YouTube: Sen. Rand Paul on Hannity on Fox News - 1/25/12
Stephen Colbert New Super PAC Ad for South Carolina - YouTube
Stephen Colbert New Super PAC Ad for South Carolina - YouTube: Stephen Colbert New Super PAC Ad for South Carolina
Ron Paul on CNN's State of the Union - Sunday January 29th
Ron Paul on CNN's State of the Union - Sunday January 29th: Ron Paul on CNN's State of the Union - Sunday January 29th
Will Progressives and Libertarians Abandon Major Parties?
Good Grief, what a mess. The only one talking about what really matters, the national debt, is ron paul
Will Progressives and Libertarians Abandon Major Parties?: Will Progressives and Libertarians Abandon Major Parties?
Will Progressives and Libertarians Abandon Major Parties?: Will Progressives and Libertarians Abandon Major Parties?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Silent GOP Debate - YouTube
Silent GOP Debate - YouTube: Silent GOP Debate
The Daily Show: 01/23/12 Recap - YouTube
The Daily Show: 01/23/12 Recap - YouTube: The Daily Show: 01/23/12 Recap
Gingrich Firm Releases One of Its Contracts With Freddie Mac - Bloomberg
Gingrich Firm Releases One of Its Contracts With Freddie Mac - Bloomberg: The Republican hopeful’s first contract -- spanning 1999 to 2002 and worth between $1 million and $1.2 million, according to two people familiar with the agreement -- wasn’t released because officials at the Center for Health Transformation can’t find it, said Susan Meyers, a center spokeswoman who works for the Gingrich campaign. The 2006 contract also applied to 2007, she said, meaning the total value of that contract was $600,000.
Archbishop calls Obama habitual violator of Constitution | Times 247
Archbishop calls Obama habitual violator of Constitution | Times 247: Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has recorded a video message bluntly stating that the Obama administration has a habit of advancing policies that violate the U.S. Constitution. ...
Will tax returns help Mitt? - The Arena | POLITICO.COM
Will tax returns help Mitt? - The Arena | POLITICO.COM: Erika Lovley Moderator :
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is expected to release his tax returns today. According to media reports, Romney paid a 14 percent effective income tax rate in 2010 after making $3 million in tax-deductible charitable donations and drawing most of his income from investments. He reported $21.7 million in income and paid $3 million in taxes. He also reported financial accounts in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
Will this information release help boost Romney in time for the Florida primary? Or will it further alienate him from voters who view him as a wealthy, out-of-touch candidate?
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is expected to release his tax returns today. According to media reports, Romney paid a 14 percent effective income tax rate in 2010 after making $3 million in tax-deductible charitable donations and drawing most of his income from investments. He reported $21.7 million in income and paid $3 million in taxes. He also reported financial accounts in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
Will this information release help boost Romney in time for the Florida primary? Or will it further alienate him from voters who view him as a wealthy, out-of-touch candidate?
McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events
McAlvany Weekly Commentary | Weekly monetary, economic, geo-political news and events: John Williams Hyperinflation Interview Part 2
RON PAUL NEWS NBC Backlash after Republican Debate 1/23/2012 Tampa Florida - YouTube
RON PAUL NEWS NBC Backlash after Republican Debate 1/23/2012 Tampa Florida - YouTube: RON PAUL NEWS NBC Backlash after Republican Debate 1/23/2012 Tampa Florida
» Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: lex talks with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and Middle East expert Chris Hedges about his lawsuit challenging the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Obama signed at the end of 2011. Hedges is the author of The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Collateral Damage, American Fascists and other titles.
NBC GOP Debate in Tampa Bay, Florida - 01-23-12 (1 of 6) - YouTube
NBC GOP Debate in Tampa Bay, Florida - 01-23-12 (1 of 6) - YouTube: NBC GOP Debate in Tampa Bay, Florida - 01-23-12 (1 of 6)
Ron Paul Highlights - NBC Florida Debate 1/23/12 - YouTube
Ron Paul Highlights - NBC Florida Debate 1/23/12 - YouTube: Ron Paul Highlights - NBC Florida Debate 1/23/12
President Obama Delivers State of the Union Address
President Obama Delivers State of the Union Address: President Obama Delivers State of the Union Address
President Obama delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
President Obama delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
On Obama SOTU: Obama Wages "Class War"
On Obama SOTU: Obama Wages "Class War": On Obama SOTU: Obama Wages "Class War"
Rory Cooper of the Heritage Foundation: Obama rallies the 99% against the 1%
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
Rory Cooper of the Heritage Foundation: Obama rallies the 99% against the 1%
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
» Pelosi: Gingrich Will Not Get The Nomination, There Is Something I Know Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Pelosi: Gingrich Will Not Get The Nomination, There Is Something I Know Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: Pelosi: Gingrich Will Not Get The Nomination, There Is Something I Know
On Obama SOTU: New Financial Fraud Commision Could Actually Slow Down Investigations
On Obama SOTU: New Financial Fraud Commision Could Actually Slow Down Investigations: On Obama SOTU: New Financial Fraud Commision Could Actually Slow Down Investigations
Tom Ferguson: Financial Fraud Commission could be used to slow down investigations taking place at the State level
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
Tom Ferguson: Financial Fraud Commission could be used to slow down investigations taking place at the State level
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record - YouTube
Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record - YouTube: Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record
On Obama SOTU: Obama Pledges to Maintain the Empire
On Obama SOTU: Obama Pledges to Maintain the Empire: On Obama SOTU: Obama Pledges to Maintain the Empire
Glen Ford: Obama defends Iraq war saying it made the US safer and more respected
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
Glen Ford: Obama defends Iraq war saying it made the US safer and more respected
Watch full multipart Reactions to the State of the Union address
Media Caught Manipulating The News - YouTube
Media Caught Manipulating The News - YouTube: Media Caught Manipulating The News
Monday, January 23, 2012
Ron Paul Interview With Mike Huckabee 01/22/12
Ron Paul Interview With Mike Huckabee 01/22/12: Ron Paul Interview With Mike Huckabee 01/22/12
Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra: Food and Additive Causes for Arthritis, Gout,Fibromyalgia
Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra: Food and Additive Causes for Arthritis, Gout,Fibromyalgia: (NaturalNews) Certain foods and chemical additives disguised as food can aggravate or cause muscle and joint pain associated with arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. Avoiding these foods can pave the way for reduced inflammation, stiffness and pain - setting the stage for ongoing relief, with increased mobility and a better mental attitude. Although it may be a challenge to avoid well-loved foods, keep in mind that many of those foods are causing widespread systemic problems that result in debilitating pain, so they are not your friends.
Gerald Celente on Trend Forecasting and the Crisis of Western Civilization
Gerald Celente on Trend Forecasting and the Crisis of Western Civilization: erald Celente: My background is such that after graduate school and I got my Masters in Public Administration, I started running political campaigns in Westchester County in New York, which is a very affluent area. I was very successful at it so they sent me up to Albany, where I became the assistant to the secretary of the New York State Senate; Albany, of course, is the capital of New York State. It was there that I really started learning about the political game. It was probably the worst job I ever had because it was watching grown men suck up and bow down all day to get to the top.
U.S. aircraft carrier enters Gulf without incident | Reuters
U.S. aircraft carrier enters Gulf without incident | Reuters: The carrier USS Abraham Lincoln completed a "regular and routine" passage through the strait, a critical gateway for the region's oil exports, "as previously scheduled and without incident," said Lieutenant Rebecca Rebarich, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Fifth Fleet.
The Lincoln, accompanied by strike group of warships, was the first U.S. aircraft carrier to enter the Gulf since late December and was on a routine rotation to replace the outgoing USS John C. Stennis.
The departure of the Stennis prompted Iranian army chief Ataollah Salehi to threaten action if the carrier passed back into the Gulf.
"I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf. ... We are not in the habit of warning more than once," he said.
The Lincoln, accompanied by strike group of warships, was the first U.S. aircraft carrier to enter the Gulf since late December and was on a routine rotation to replace the outgoing USS John C. Stennis.
The departure of the Stennis prompted Iranian army chief Ataollah Salehi to threaten action if the carrier passed back into the Gulf.
"I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf. ... We are not in the habit of warning more than once," he said.
Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization's collapse | Reuters
Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization's collapse | Reuters: Tegeler is among a growing subculture of Americans who refer to themselves informally as "preppers." Some are driven by a fear of imminent societal collapse, others are worried about terrorism, and many have a vague concern that an escalating series of natural disasters is leading to some type of environmental cataclysm.
They are following in the footsteps of hippies in the 1960s who set up communes to separate themselves from what they saw as a materialistic society, and the survivalists in the 1990s who were hoping to escape the dictates of what they perceived as an increasingly secular and oppressive government.
Preppers, though are, worried about no government.
Many of today's preppers receive inspiration from the Internet, devouring information posted on websites like that run by attorney Michael T. Snider, who writes The Economic Collapse blog out of his home in northern Idaho.
"Modern preppers are much different from the survivalists of the old days," he said. "You could be living next door to a prepper and never even know it. Many suburbanites are turning spare rooms into food pantries and are going for survival training on the weekends."
Like other preppers, Snider is worried about the end of a functioning U.S. economy. He points out that tens of millions of Americans are on food stamps and that many U.S. children are living in poverty.
"Most people have a gut feeling that something has gone terribly wrong, but that doesn't mean that they understand what is happening," he said. "A lot of Americans sense that a massive economic storm is coming and they want to be prepared for it."
So, assuming there is no collapse of society -- which the preppers call "uncivilization" -- what is the future of the preppers?
They are following in the footsteps of hippies in the 1960s who set up communes to separate themselves from what they saw as a materialistic society, and the survivalists in the 1990s who were hoping to escape the dictates of what they perceived as an increasingly secular and oppressive government.
Preppers, though are, worried about no government.
Many of today's preppers receive inspiration from the Internet, devouring information posted on websites like that run by attorney Michael T. Snider, who writes The Economic Collapse blog out of his home in northern Idaho.
"Modern preppers are much different from the survivalists of the old days," he said. "You could be living next door to a prepper and never even know it. Many suburbanites are turning spare rooms into food pantries and are going for survival training on the weekends."
Like other preppers, Snider is worried about the end of a functioning U.S. economy. He points out that tens of millions of Americans are on food stamps and that many U.S. children are living in poverty.
"Most people have a gut feeling that something has gone terribly wrong, but that doesn't mean that they understand what is happening," he said. "A lot of Americans sense that a massive economic storm is coming and they want to be prepared for it."
So, assuming there is no collapse of society -- which the preppers call "uncivilization" -- what is the future of the preppers?
In 2006, Gingrich backed censoring the web
In 2006, Gingrich backed censoring the web: At Thursday night's debate in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich painted himself as a friend of a free and open Internet, but in the past he's talked up pretty radical proposals to curtail free speech online.
The question Thursday was about the Stop Online Piracy Act, legislation that has the support of the entertainment industry and powerful members of the House and Senate, but is now on life support after running into a firestorm of criticism from Internet users, tech companies like Google, and activists who shut down websites in protest earlier this week.
"You have virtually everybody who's technologically advanced, including, you know, Google and YouTube and Facebook and all the folks, who say this is going to totally mess up the Internet, and the bill in its current form is written really badly and leads to a range of censorship that is totally unacceptable. Well, I favor freedom," Gingrich said. "The idea that we're going to preemptively have the government start censoring the Internet on behalf of giant corporations' economic interests strikes me as exactly the wrong thing to do."
The question Thursday was about the Stop Online Piracy Act, legislation that has the support of the entertainment industry and powerful members of the House and Senate, but is now on life support after running into a firestorm of criticism from Internet users, tech companies like Google, and activists who shut down websites in protest earlier this week.
"You have virtually everybody who's technologically advanced, including, you know, Google and YouTube and Facebook and all the folks, who say this is going to totally mess up the Internet, and the bill in its current form is written really badly and leads to a range of censorship that is totally unacceptable. Well, I favor freedom," Gingrich said. "The idea that we're going to preemptively have the government start censoring the Internet on behalf of giant corporations' economic interests strikes me as exactly the wrong thing to do."
Bernanke near inflation target prize, but jobs a concern | Reuters
Bernanke near inflation target prize, but jobs a concern | Reuters: An inflation target would be the capstone of Bernanke's crusade to improve the Fed's communications, an initiative aimed at making the central bank more effective at controlling growth and inflation. It would, at long last, bring the Fed into line with a policy framework used by most other major central banks.
Bernanke has made clearer communications a hallmark of his leadership, and bit by bit, he has worked to cast light on what for years had been purposefully opaque and secretive deliberations.
He has even given the campaign a personal stamp, contrasting his plainspoken and unaffected persona with that of his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, whose ruminations were notoriously oblique and who was associated with an aloof cadre of policy mandarins.
While Bernanke has touted a numerical inflation goal as a cornerstone of central bank best practices for years, the idea has become timely because it could help quell nagging doubts that the Fed's unprecedented easy money policies are setting the stage for a nasty bout of inflation.
The U.S. economy strengthened toward the end of last year, with job growth accelerating and the unemployment rate dropping to a near three-year low of 8.5 percent.
Bernanke has made clearer communications a hallmark of his leadership, and bit by bit, he has worked to cast light on what for years had been purposefully opaque and secretive deliberations.
He has even given the campaign a personal stamp, contrasting his plainspoken and unaffected persona with that of his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, whose ruminations were notoriously oblique and who was associated with an aloof cadre of policy mandarins.
While Bernanke has touted a numerical inflation goal as a cornerstone of central bank best practices for years, the idea has become timely because it could help quell nagging doubts that the Fed's unprecedented easy money policies are setting the stage for a nasty bout of inflation.
The U.S. economy strengthened toward the end of last year, with job growth accelerating and the unemployment rate dropping to a near three-year low of 8.5 percent.
Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing - CBS Atlanta 46
Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing - CBS Atlanta 46: Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing
Romney team hits Gingrich over Freddie money - Washington Times
Romney team hits Gingrich over Freddie money - Washington Times: The Romney camp suggested — in a morning email blast and then a conference call with reporters — that Mr. Gingrich is trying to cover up the fact that he lobbied members of Congress on behalf of the mortgage housing giant, which reportedly paid him $1.6 million — though Mr. Gingrich says he advised them as a "historian."
"Newt Gingrich says he was not a lobbyist — he was just a politician who was paid millions after he left Congress to influence his friends in Washington," said Gail Gitcho, Mr. Romney's communications director, in the email.
"Newt Gingrich says he was not a lobbyist — he was just a politician who was paid millions after he left Congress to influence his friends in Washington," said Gail Gitcho, Mr. Romney's communications director, in the email.
TSA | Rand Paul | Senator | The Daily Caller
TSA | Rand Paul | Senator | The Daily Caller: Sen. Rand Paul’s Facebook page has a post about the incident too. “Senator Paul is being detained at the Nashville Airport by the TSA,” Sen. Rand Paul’s Facebook post reads. “We will update you as the situation develops.”
Sen. Rand Paul’s chief of staff Doug Stafford told The Daily Caller the Senator “was detained by the TSA after their scanner had an ‘anomaly’ on the first scan.”
“He offered to go through again,” Stafford said in an email. “The TSA said he could only have a full body pat down. He would not consent to it. He offered to go through the scanner again. The situation is ongoing.”
Sen. Rand Paul’s chief of staff Doug Stafford told The Daily Caller the Senator “was detained by the TSA after their scanner had an ‘anomaly’ on the first scan.”
“He offered to go through again,” Stafford said in an email. “The TSA said he could only have a full body pat down. He would not consent to it. He offered to go through the scanner again. The situation is ongoing.”
Newt For More War - Ron Paul For Peace - YouTube
Newt For More War - Ron Paul For Peace - YouTube: Newt For More War - Ron Paul For Peace
Ron Paul vs Goldman Sachs
Ron Paul vs Goldman Sachs: Ron Paul vs Goldman Sachs
U.S. Army Dispersed Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Over U.S. Cities in the 1950s and 1960s « Blog
U.S. Army Dispersed Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Over U.S. Cities in the 1950s and 1960s « Blog: sn't this reassuring? They dispersed combinations of stuff, all with unknown effects, and all in secrecy. The microorganisms were likely to have been bacteria. From the Guardian article, we learn what some of that stuff may have been and was in England. It included in England "serratia marcescens bacteria, with an anthrax simulant and phenol." Also: "between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii, which mimics anthrax."
How reassuring is it to learn that the microbes do not affect healthy people. Who is healthy and who is not? This is not an all-or-none thing. Who can say that a toll is not taken on those termed healthy? And what difference does it make? Why should the less than healthy, whatever that means, be exposed?
And we also learn that the National Academy "was not asked to assess the possible health effects of these tests."
I thoroughly distrust the links of the National Academy and, thus, its studies to the government and U.S. Army:
How reassuring is it to learn that the microbes do not affect healthy people. Who is healthy and who is not? This is not an all-or-none thing. Who can say that a toll is not taken on those termed healthy? And what difference does it make? Why should the less than healthy, whatever that means, be exposed?
And we also learn that the National Academy "was not asked to assess the possible health effects of these tests."
I thoroughly distrust the links of the National Academy and, thus, its studies to the government and U.S. Army:
Saturday, January 21, 2012
» The Global Elite Are Hiding 18 Trillion Dollars In Offshore Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» The Global Elite Are Hiding 18 Trillion Dollars In Offshore Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: In recent days, the fact that Mitt Romney has millions of dollars parked down in the Cayman Islands has made headlines all over the world. But when it comes to offshore banking, what Mitt Romney is doing is small potatoes. The truth is that the global elite are hiding an almost unbelievable amount of money in offshore banks.
According to shocking research done by the IMF, the global elite are holding a total of18 trillion dollars in offshore banks. And that figure does not even count any money being held in Switzerland.
According to shocking research done by the IMF, the global elite are holding a total of18 trillion dollars in offshore banks. And that figure does not even count any money being held in Switzerland.
In Bermuda, Romney served as president and sole shareholder for four years of Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. It funneled money into Bain Capital’s Sankaty family of hedge funds, which invest in bonds and other debt issued by corporations, as well as bank loans.The amount of money being funneled through Sankaty today is absolutely stunning….
Like thousands of similar financial entities, Sankaty maintains no office or staff in Bermuda. Its only presence consists of a nameplate at a lawyer’s office in downtown Hamilton, capital of the British island territory.
“It’s just a mail drop, essentially,” said Marc B. Wolpow, who worked with Romney for nine years at Bain Capital and who set up Sankaty Ltd. in October 1997 without ever visiting Bermuda. “There’s no one doing any work down there other than lawyers.”
Today, Bain Capital manages $60 billion in assets, according to a spokesman. The total includes $23 billion in Sankaty debt and credit funds. Half a dozen Sankaty affiliates now are active in Bermuda, corporate registry records show.Of course all of this is perfectly legal.
The Sankaty debt hedge funds are organized as partnerships in Delaware that produce taxable business income by investing in fixed-income bonds and other debt instruments. Under tax law, even tax-exempt U.S. institutions may face a 35% tax if they invest directly in such hedge funds. By investing instead through a Bermuda corporation, the taxes are legally blocked, experts say.
Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul .com: Ron Paul’s Strategy: Win the Marathon, Capture the Nomination
Ron Paul .com
Ron Paul .com: Senator Jim DeMint on Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy
China tiptoes to petrodollar recycling - Indian Punchline
This is not good news for our dollar
China tiptoes to petrodollar recycling - Indian Punchline: The currency swap agreement between China and the United Arab Emirates [UAE] signed during Premier Wen Jiabao’s tour of the Persian Gulf region ending today, will raise eyebrows in the western capitals, especially London and Washington. The list of countries with which China has such deals is slowly and steadily lengthening and this is the first such deal with a Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] state.
China tiptoes to petrodollar recycling - Indian Punchline: The currency swap agreement between China and the United Arab Emirates [UAE] signed during Premier Wen Jiabao’s tour of the Persian Gulf region ending today, will raise eyebrows in the western capitals, especially London and Washington. The list of countries with which China has such deals is slowly and steadily lengthening and this is the first such deal with a Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] state.
Eurocrisis is a Global Crisis
Eurocrisis is a Global Crisis: Eurocrisis is a Global Crisis
Leo Panitch: People need to build their own political organizations that push for public banking and serious capital controls
Watch full multipart Featured Videos
Leo Panitch: People need to build their own political organizations that push for public banking and serious capital controls
Watch full multipart Featured Videos
Nuclear Arms Charge Against Iran Is No Slam Dunk: Robert Kelley - Bloomberg
Nuclear Arms Charge Against Iran Is No Slam Dunk: Robert Kelley - Bloomberg: Nuclear Arms Charge Against Iran Is No Slam Dunk: Robert Kelley
Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides
Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides: Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides
Robert Kelley: The IAEA should allow peer review of its data, Iran should resolve outstanding questions
Watch full multipart Is There Evidence Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon?
Robert Kelley: The IAEA should allow peer review of its data, Iran should resolve outstanding questions
Watch full multipart Is There Evidence Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon?
Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides
Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides: Former IAEA Inspector Calls for Transparency on All Sides
Robert Kelley: The IAEA should allow peer review of its data, Iran should resolve outstanding questions
Watch full multipart Is There Evidence Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon?
Robert Kelley: The IAEA should allow peer review of its data, Iran should resolve outstanding questions
Watch full multipart Is There Evidence Iran Is Building A Nuclear Weapon?
NEWS Admits There Is A Blackout, Then Ignores - YouTube
NEWS Admits There Is A Blackout, Then Ignores - YouTube: NEWS Admits There Is A Blackout, Then Ignores
Friday, January 20, 2012
Bain executives donate twice as much to Democrats | Times 247
Bain executives donate twice as much to Democrats | Times 247: Democrats have accepted more political donations than Republicans from executives at Bain Capital, complicating the left’s plan to attack Mitt Romney for his record at the private equity firm.
During the last three election cycles, Bain employees have given Democratic candidates and party committees more than $1.2 million. The vast majority of that sum came from senior executives.
Republican candidates and party committees raised over $480,000 from senior Bain executives during that time period. Read the original article at The Hill
During the last three election cycles, Bain employees have given Democratic candidates and party committees more than $1.2 million. The vast majority of that sum came from senior executives.
Republican candidates and party committees raised over $480,000 from senior Bain executives during that time period. Read the original article at The Hill
7 Charged as F.B.I. Closes a Top File-Sharing Site -
7 Charged as F.B.I. Closes a Top File-Sharing Site - Coming just a day after civil protests in the United States over proposed antipiracy bills, the arrests were greeted almost immediately with digital Molotov cocktails. The hacker collective that calls itself Anonymous attacked the Web sites of the Justice Department and several major entertainment companies and trade groups in retaliation for Mega-upload’s seizure. The Justice Department’s site and several others remained inaccessible for much of Thursday afternoon.
Megaupload, one of the most popular so-called locker services on the Internet, allowed users to anonymously transfer large files like movies and music. Media companies have long accused it of abetting copyright infringement on a vast scale. In a grand jury indictment, Megaupload is accused of causing $500 million in damages to copyright owners and of making $175 million through selling ads and premium subscriptions.
Anonymous, which has previously set its sights on PayPal, Sony and major media executives, was more blunt in its response. The group disabled the Justice Department’s site for a time, and it also claimed credit for shutting down sites for the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America, two of the most powerful media lobbies in Washington, as well as those of the Universal Music Group, the largest music label, and BMI, which represents music publishers.
“Let’s just say, for #SOPA supporters their #SOPAblackout is today,” Anonymous wrote in a Twitter post. In an e-mail, a spokesman for the group said it was responsible for the Web attacks.
Megaupload, one of the most popular so-called locker services on the Internet, allowed users to anonymously transfer large files like movies and music. Media companies have long accused it of abetting copyright infringement on a vast scale. In a grand jury indictment, Megaupload is accused of causing $500 million in damages to copyright owners and of making $175 million through selling ads and premium subscriptions.
Anonymous, which has previously set its sights on PayPal, Sony and major media executives, was more blunt in its response. The group disabled the Justice Department’s site for a time, and it also claimed credit for shutting down sites for the Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America, two of the most powerful media lobbies in Washington, as well as those of the Universal Music Group, the largest music label, and BMI, which represents music publishers.
“Let’s just say, for #SOPA supporters their #SOPAblackout is today,” Anonymous wrote in a Twitter post. In an e-mail, a spokesman for the group said it was responsible for the Web attacks.
CNN Forced To Ask Ron Paul After Crowd Boo's (Santorum False Attack) - YouTube
CNN Forced To Ask Ron Paul After Crowd Boo's (Santorum False Attack) - YouTube: CNN Forced To Ask Ron Paul After Crowd Boo's (Santorum False Attack)
Look clearly at the 2014 rate compared to the 2013 rate.
For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It's short, but important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:
"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present Monthly Fee of $96.40, rising to:
$104.20 in 2012
$120.20 in 2013
$247.00 in 2014."
These are Provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns. Send this to all Seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus.
For those of you who are on Medicare, read the following. It's short, but important and you probably haven't heard about it in the Mainstream News:
"The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present Monthly Fee of $96.40, rising to:
$104.20 in 2012
$120.20 in 2013
$247.00 in 2014."
These are Provisions incorporated in the Obamacare Legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 Re-Election Campaigns. Send this to all Seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus.
» Ron Paul Highlights – South Carolina CNN Debate 01-19-12 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Ron Paul Highlights – South Carolina CNN Debate 01-19-12 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: Ron Paul Highlights – South Carolina CNN Debate 01-19-12
» Initial Results Show that Ron Paul Won the South Carolina Republican Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Initial Results Show that Ron Paul Won the South Carolina Republican Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: Initial Results Show that Ron Paul Won the South Carolina Republican Debate
For example, here is Newsday:

Poll Daddy:


Naples News:

For example, here is Newsday:

Poll Daddy:

Naples News:

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Prison » Meet Mitt Romney: Obama On Steroids
Prison » Meet Mitt Romney: Obama On Steroids: Climate agenda and carbon taxes:
He has stated that the theory of anthropogenic global warming is real. In 2005, as governor of Massachusetts, Romney imposed strict state limitations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. In a memo issued by Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kerry Hale, the Romney administration bragged that it was “the first and only state to set CO 2 emissions limits on power plants.”
In short, Romney did what Obama’s EPA wants to do now. It is revealing that Romney was advised on this drastic step by none other than Obama’s chief science adviser, John Holdren
He has stated that the theory of anthropogenic global warming is real. In 2005, as governor of Massachusetts, Romney imposed strict state limitations on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. In a memo issued by Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kerry Hale, the Romney administration bragged that it was “the first and only state to set CO 2 emissions limits on power plants.”
In short, Romney did what Obama’s EPA wants to do now. It is revealing that Romney was advised on this drastic step by none other than Obama’s chief science adviser, John Holdren
Prison » Financial Terrorism: Obama Blocks Vital Oil Pipeline – Infowars Nightly News
Prison » Financial Terrorism: Obama Blocks Vital Oil Pipeline – Infowars Nightly News: Aaron covers the Obama administration’s move to block the expansion of a 1,661-mile oil pipeline that would have carried 700,000 much needed barrels of crude a day from Alberta’s oil to refineries and created 20,000 jobs. This is yet another act of financial terrorism by the White House as the deliberate shut down of the American economy goes into high gear.
Hysterical. ABC news says it would be unethical to run the Marianne Gingrich interview. What are they trying to protect Gingrih's moral character. What a joke. Hats off to you Marianne. Show him for what he is.
Wed Jan 18 2012 18:47:14 ET
Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband's career with a single interview.
Earlier this week, she sat before ABCNEWS cameras, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
She spoke to ABCNEWS reporter Brian Ross for two hours, and her explosive revelations are set to rock the trail.
But now a "civil war" has erupted inside of the network, an insider claims, on exactly when the confession will air!
ABCNEWS suits determined it would be "unethical" to run the Marianne Gingrich interview so close to the South Carolina Primary, a curious decision, one insider argued, since the network has aggressively been reporting on other candidates.
A decision was tentatively made to air the interview next Monday, after all votes have been counted.
Gingrich canceled a press conference on Wednesday to deal with the matter.
"He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected," Marianne Gingrich, Newt's wife of 18 years, explained to ESQUIRE last year.
UPDATE: The AP reports ABC is now likely to air the segment Thursday on NIGHTLINE.
Wed Jan 18 2012 18:47:14 ET
Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband's career with a single interview.
Earlier this week, she sat before ABCNEWS cameras, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
She spoke to ABCNEWS reporter Brian Ross for two hours, and her explosive revelations are set to rock the trail.
But now a "civil war" has erupted inside of the network, an insider claims, on exactly when the confession will air!
ABCNEWS suits determined it would be "unethical" to run the Marianne Gingrich interview so close to the South Carolina Primary, a curious decision, one insider argued, since the network has aggressively been reporting on other candidates.
A decision was tentatively made to air the interview next Monday, after all votes have been counted.
Gingrich canceled a press conference on Wednesday to deal with the matter.
"He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected," Marianne Gingrich, Newt's wife of 18 years, explained to ESQUIRE last year.
UPDATE: The AP reports ABC is now likely to air the segment Thursday on NIGHTLINE.
Prison » Gingrich Scandal Could Hand Ron Paul Shock Second Place Finish
Oh so Newt is a pervert. what a surprise.
Prison » Gingrich Scandal Could Hand Ron Paul Shock Second Place Finish: A bombshell interview with Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife set to air tonight could catapult Ron Paul into a shock second placed finish in South Carolina and confirm the Congressman as Mitt Romney’s main rival.
Gingrich Scandal Could Hand Ron Paul Shock Second Place Finish newt gingrich mad
The interview with Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s wife of 18 years, “could end her ex-husband’s career,” according to a Drudge Report exclusive.
Despite a “civil war” erupting within ABC News over whether or not to air the interview before Saturday’s primary, the broadcast will go out tonight on Nightline, less than 48 hours before SC voters head to the polls.
Gingrich is set to hold a press conference today during which he will try to engage in damage control.
Prison » Gingrich Scandal Could Hand Ron Paul Shock Second Place Finish: A bombshell interview with Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife set to air tonight could catapult Ron Paul into a shock second placed finish in South Carolina and confirm the Congressman as Mitt Romney’s main rival.
Gingrich Scandal Could Hand Ron Paul Shock Second Place Finish newt gingrich mad
The interview with Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s wife of 18 years, “could end her ex-husband’s career,” according to a Drudge Report exclusive.
Despite a “civil war” erupting within ABC News over whether or not to air the interview before Saturday’s primary, the broadcast will go out tonight on Nightline, less than 48 hours before SC voters head to the polls.
Gingrich is set to hold a press conference today during which he will try to engage in damage control.
Exclusive: Newt Gingrich Lacks Moral Character to Be President, Ex-Wife Says - ABC News
And Perry endorses this jerk!
Exclusive: Newt Gingrich Lacks Moral Character to Be President, Ex-Wife Says - ABC News: Newt Gingrich lacks the moral character to serve as President, his second ex-wife Marianne told ABC News, saying his campaign positions on the sanctity of marriage and the importance of family values do not square with what she saw during their 18 years of marriage.
In her first television interview since the 1999 divorce, to be broadcast tonight on Nightline, Marianne Gingrich, a self-described conservative Republican, said she is coming forward now so voters can know what she knows about Gingrich.
Exclusive: Newt Gingrich Lacks Moral Character to Be President, Ex-Wife Says - ABC News: Newt Gingrich lacks the moral character to serve as President, his second ex-wife Marianne told ABC News, saying his campaign positions on the sanctity of marriage and the importance of family values do not square with what she saw during their 18 years of marriage.
In her first television interview since the 1999 divorce, to be broadcast tonight on Nightline, Marianne Gingrich, a self-described conservative Republican, said she is coming forward now so voters can know what she knows about Gingrich.
Prison » Perry Drops Out Of Presidential Race
Perry is endorsing Newt Gingrich. Have you lost your mind. And I kinda liked you before this video. Good Grief!
Prison » Perry Drops Out Of Presidential Race: Texas Governor Rick Perry has dropped out of the 2012 presidential race ahead of the South Carolina primary on Saturday.
Perry has, unsurprisingly, officially endorsed Newt Gingrich.
“I have come to the conclusion that this is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign,” said Perry at a news conference in North Charleston, South Carolina this morning. “Therefore I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president of the United States.”
Privatizing the War on Terror: America’s Military Contractors | – Everything New Jersey
Privatizing the War on Terror: America’s Military Contractors | – Everything New Jersey: The war effort in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan has already cost taxpayers more than $2 trillion and could go as high as $4.4 trillion before it’s all over. At least $31 billion (and as much as $60 billion or more) of that $2 trillion was lost to waste and fraud by military contractors, who do everything from janitorial and food service work to construction, security and intelligence—jobs that used to be handled by the military. That translates to a loss of $12 million a day since the U.S. first invaded Afghanistan. To put it another way, the government is spending more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety.
New Obama OMB director a Bain alum
New Obama OMB director a Bain alum: "I'm pleased to designate Jeff Zients to lead the Office of Management and Budget. Since day one, Jeff has demonstrated superb judgment and has provided sound advice on a whole host of issues," Obama said in a statement accompanying the announcement today. Zients previously served as Deputy Director of OMB under Jack Lew, who became Obama's chief of staff with the departure of Bill Daley.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney might also be pleased at Zients' promotion, given that they have a common professional background; Zients worked with Bain & Company as early as 1988, according to the Bain website. Romney worked at Bain & Company, first from 1977-1984, and then again from 1991 and 1992, when he was the Bain & Company chief executive officer.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney might also be pleased at Zients' promotion, given that they have a common professional background; Zients worked with Bain & Company as early as 1988, according to the Bain website. Romney worked at Bain & Company, first from 1977-1984, and then again from 1991 and 1992, when he was the Bain & Company chief executive officer.
China Brings US Treasury Holdings To One Year Low, Russia Cuts 50% In One Year
China Brings US Treasury Holdings To One Year Low, Russia Cuts 50% In One Year: Today's TIC data confirmed what Zero Hedge readers have now known for quite some time: namely that foreigners are selling US paper. And while we have used contemporaneous Custody Account data from the Fed to present that in the past 7 weeks foreigners have sold a record amount of bonds, we now get confirmation via TIC that in November the selling continued, especially at the biggest non-Fed holder of US paper, China, which saw its holdings down to $1,132.6 billion, the lowest in the past year. Yet where the selling is just relentless is in Russia, which has quite demonstratively slashed its US Treasury holdings in half in the past year from $176 billion to under $80 billion. Putin is not happy, and is not afraid to show it.

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