Nicolas Sarkozy Offered £200,000 Per Hour Job with Morgan Stanley - International Business Times UK: Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been offered the chance to earn £200,000 for just a single hour of work with Morgan Stanley.
If Sarkozy takes the bank's offer, revealed in French investigative weekly Le Canard Enchaine, he will receive the bumper sum for giving a 45-minute speech and posing for pictures for a further 15 minutes.
The scale of the payment reveals the lucrative avenues open to former world leaders after they leave office.
Should Sarkozy accept the job, he will be following a path well trod by former prime minister Tony Blair, who makes £2.5m a year from his role as an adviser to investment bank JP Morgan.
Sarkozy was president of France for five years, bringing in a monthly salary of £17,000, before he was defeated by socialist Francois Hollande.
French management agent Nicolas Teil of Confanim said: "[The fee] is very expensive compared to the rest of the market, but we shouldn't forget that he once directed the fifth biggest power in the world.
Alternative News Media: "To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men"
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas International Man Recently by Jeff Thomas: Ign...
chunkee-munkee: Everyday Preps by Eric Peters
chunkee-munkee: Everyday Preps by Eric Peters: Everyday Preps by Eric Peters When people talk about “preps” they’re usually talking about things like ammun...
Whose Interests Will the Fed Always Protect? by Gary North
Whose Interests Will the Fed Always Protect? by Gary North
Some predictions are easy. Here is mine: "The government of the United States will default on the vast bulk of its debts, which are mainly debts of Medicare, and to a far lesser extent, Social Security and the federal pension system."
This prediction is easy to make when you have Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University doing your research for you . . . free of charge.
He and long-term financial columnist Scott Burns recently wrote an article on the unfunded liabilities of the United States government. The article is based on the figures produced by the Congressional Budget Office. Here is their assessment. Over the past year, the debt of the United States government increased from $211 trillion to $222 trillion. This is the fiscal gap.
The fiscal gap is the present value difference between projected future spending and revenue. It captures all government liabilities, whether they are official obligations to service Treasury bonds or unofficial commitments, such as paying for food stamps or buying drones.
This led to their policy analysis.
Closing the gap using taxes requires an immediate and permanent 64 percent increase in all federal taxes. Alternatively, the U.S. needs to cut, immediately and permanently, all federal purchases and transfer payments, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, by 40 percent.
This sounds good, but neither one will work. I think they know this.
Some predictions are easy. Here is mine: "The government of the United States will default on the vast bulk of its debts, which are mainly debts of Medicare, and to a far lesser extent, Social Security and the federal pension system."
This prediction is easy to make when you have Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University doing your research for you . . . free of charge.
He and long-term financial columnist Scott Burns recently wrote an article on the unfunded liabilities of the United States government. The article is based on the figures produced by the Congressional Budget Office. Here is their assessment. Over the past year, the debt of the United States government increased from $211 trillion to $222 trillion. This is the fiscal gap.
The fiscal gap is the present value difference between projected future spending and revenue. It captures all government liabilities, whether they are official obligations to service Treasury bonds or unofficial commitments, such as paying for food stamps or buying drones.
This led to their policy analysis.
Closing the gap using taxes requires an immediate and permanent 64 percent increase in all federal taxes. Alternatively, the U.S. needs to cut, immediately and permanently, all federal purchases and transfer payments, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, by 40 percent.
This sounds good, but neither one will work. I think they know this.
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas: After the Storm by Jeff Thomas : ith all the study and thought that are required to make sense out of how the Great Unraveling will play out...
Thursday, August 23, 2012
MassGOP Chair Bob Maginn and former Congressmen could face jailtime for political and financial corruption
MassGOP Chair Bob Maginn and former Congressmen could face jailtime for political and financial corruption: 08-23-2012 • .
In an explosive Complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court that could not only take down the current MassGOP Chairman, the current MassGOP Chairman Bob Maginn and two former Congressmen, Peter Blute and Peter Torkildsen, may end up in jail for political and financial corruption.
Read Full Story
Reported by Powell Gammill
In an explosive Complaint filed in Suffolk Superior Court that could not only take down the current MassGOP Chairman, the current MassGOP Chairman Bob Maginn and two former Congressmen, Peter Blute and Peter Torkildsen, may end up in jail for political and financial corruption.
Read Full Story
Reported by Powell Gammill
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
chunkee-munkee: The Weight Loss Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii by Edw...
chunkee-munkee: The Weight Loss Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii by Edw...: The Weight Loss Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii by Edward Group Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant native to South Africa and ...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: From the Archive, 18 August 1970: Kennedy Talked o...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: From the Archive, 18 August 1970: Kennedy Talked o...: From the Archive, 18 August 1970: Kennedy Talked of Possibility of Killing Castro President Kennedy discussed the possibilit...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: How Big Should the Banks Be? by Thomas E. Woods, J...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: How Big Should the Banks Be? by Thomas E. Woods, J...: How Big Should the Banks Be? by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Simon Johnson has a piece at Bloomberg today that urges the Romney/Rya...
302. The U.S. of Terrorism
302. The U.S. of Terrorism: 302. The U.S. of Terrorism
On August 21, 2012, In Podcast, By editor
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Sibel Edmonds talks to Lew about the government’s attempts to stop her from telling the truth.
On August 21, 2012, In Podcast, By editor
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Sibel Edmonds talks to Lew about the government’s attempts to stop her from telling the truth.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
» U.S. Army To Be Used Against “Insurrectionist” Tea Party? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» U.S. Army To Be Used Against “Insurrectionist” Tea Party? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: cademic study wargames using U.S. troops to quell revolution
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
An academic study about the future use of the military as a peacekeeping force within the United States written by a retired Army Colonel depicts a shocking scenario in which the U.S. Army is used to restore order to a town that has been seized by Tea Party “insurrectionists”.
The paper, entitled Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future, was written by Kevin Benson and Jennifer Weber. Retired Colonel Benson, a seminar leader at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, also served with the 5th Infantry Division, the 1st Armored Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, XVIII Airborne Corps and Third U.S. Army. Weber is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas.
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
An academic study about the future use of the military as a peacekeeping force within the United States written by a retired Army Colonel depicts a shocking scenario in which the U.S. Army is used to restore order to a town that has been seized by Tea Party “insurrectionists”.
The paper, entitled Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future, was written by Kevin Benson and Jennifer Weber. Retired Colonel Benson, a seminar leader at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, also served with the 5th Infantry Division, the 1st Armored Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, XVIII Airborne Corps and Third U.S. Army. Weber is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Kansas.
Guest Post: Should Obama And Congress Be Arrested Under The NDAA? | ZeroHedge
Guest Post: Should Obama And Congress Be Arrested Under The NDAA? | ZeroHedge: providing material assistance to al-Qaeda is illegal under the National Defence Authorization Act (2012), and Obama and Congress are sending $25 million of aid to al-Qaeda-affiliated Syrian opposition, aren’t Congress and President Obama violating their own law? Should Obama (or at least the Justice Department) not be using “all necessary and appropriate force” including “the power to indefinitely detain” to prevent Obama and Congress from assisting al-Qaeda? Did anyone in Congress or the Obama administration even bother to read the law that they were signing? Do Federal laws no longer apply to lawmakers?
chunkee-munkee: Could pumping aerosols into the atmosphere stop gl...
chunkee-munkee: Could pumping aerosols into the atmosphere stop gl...: Could pumping aerosols into the atmosphere stop global warming? - Tehran Times : Heat waves. Drought. Storms. The extreme weather that has b...
chunkee-munkee: Sikh temple shooter was in army psychological oper...
chunkee-munkee: Sikh temple shooter was in army psychological oper...: Sikh temple shooter was in army psychological operations | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World : Followi...
More Than 100 Million Americans Are On Welfare
More Than 100 Million Americans Are On Welfare: There are more Americans dependent on the federal government than ever before in U.S. history. According to the Survey of Income and Program Participation conducted by the U.S. Census, well over 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government. Many are enrolled in more than one. That is about a third of the entire population of the country. Sadly, that figure does not even include Social Security or Medicare. Today the federal government runs almost 80 different "means-tested welfare programs", and almost all of those programs have experienced substantial growth in recent years. Yes, we will always need a "safety net" for those that cannot take care of themselves, but it is absolutely ridiculous that the federal government is financially supporting one-third of all Americans. How much farther do things really need to go before we finally admit that we have become a socialist nation? At the rate we are going, it will not be too long before half the nation is on welfare. Unfortunately, we will likely never get to that point because the gigantic debt that we are currently running up will probably destroy our financial system before that ever happens.
chunkee-munkee: Pfizer agrees to pay $60 million to settle bribery...
chunkee-munkee: Pfizer agrees to pay $60 million to settle bribery...: Pfizer agrees to pay $60 million to settle bribery charges | : Jeff Horwich: Industry watchers say the drug company Pfizer h...
Captured UK Journalist - 'None Of The Rebels Were Syrian'
Captured UK Journalist - 'None Of The Rebels Were Syrian': ‘British-Born Jihadists Fighting Assad In Syria’ – Captured Photographer
Radical Islamists with ‘British accents’ are fighting alongside the Syrian terrorists says a journalist held hostage by rebels for over a week.
Oerlemans, a famous Dutch photo journalist, and John Cantlie, another photographer from the UK, were captured by a group of between 30 and 100 anti-Assad fighters when crossing the Syrian border from Turkey last week. They were then blindfolded.
“One of the black jihadists freaked out and shouted: ‘These are journalists and now they will see we are preparing an international jihad in this place.‘” Oerlemans told NRC Handelsblatt newspaper. He said that none of the fighters was Syrian.
Radical Islamists with ‘British accents’ are fighting alongside the Syrian terrorists says a journalist held hostage by rebels for over a week.
Oerlemans, a famous Dutch photo journalist, and John Cantlie, another photographer from the UK, were captured by a group of between 30 and 100 anti-Assad fighters when crossing the Syrian border from Turkey last week. They were then blindfolded.
“One of the black jihadists freaked out and shouted: ‘These are journalists and now they will see we are preparing an international jihad in this place.‘” Oerlemans told NRC Handelsblatt newspaper. He said that none of the fighters was Syrian.
Justice Department drops Goldman financial crisis probe | Reuters
Justice Department drops Goldman financial crisis probe | Reuters
(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said it will not pursue criminal charges against Goldman Sachs Group Inc or its employees related to accusations that the firm bet against the same subprime mortgage securities it was selling to clients.
The decision not to prosecute Goldman, a firm held up by critics as a symbol of Wall Street greed during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, highlights the difficulty in prosecuting crisis-related cases.
Few expected the bank to face criminal charges, but in April 2011, U.S. Senator Carl Levin asked for a criminal investigation after the subcommittee he leads spent more than a year looking into Goldman.
The accusations were aired in a heated 2010 Congressional hearing in which Levin grilled Goldman Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein for hours about whether it was morally correct for the firm to sell its clients products described internally as "crap".
"The department and investigative agencies ultimately concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time," the Justice Department said in a statement late on Thursday.
(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said it will not pursue criminal charges against Goldman Sachs Group Inc or its employees related to accusations that the firm bet against the same subprime mortgage securities it was selling to clients.
The decision not to prosecute Goldman, a firm held up by critics as a symbol of Wall Street greed during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, highlights the difficulty in prosecuting crisis-related cases.
Few expected the bank to face criminal charges, but in April 2011, U.S. Senator Carl Levin asked for a criminal investigation after the subcommittee he leads spent more than a year looking into Goldman.
The accusations were aired in a heated 2010 Congressional hearing in which Levin grilled Goldman Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein for hours about whether it was morally correct for the firm to sell its clients products described internally as "crap".
"The department and investigative agencies ultimately concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time," the Justice Department said in a statement late on Thursday.
The Only Choice on November 6th by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The Only Choice on November 6th by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
How does voting change the situation? Neither of the candidates for president wants to do anything about the problem. On the contrary, they want to make it worse. This is for a reason. The State owns the “democratic process” as surely as it owns the Departments of Labor and Defense and uses it in ways that benefit the State and no one else.
On the other hand, we do have the freedom not to vote. No one has yet drafted us into the voting booth. I suggest that we exercise this right not to participate. It is one of the few rights we have left. Nonparticipation sends a message that we no longer believe in the racket they have cooked up for us, and we want no part of it.
You might say that this is ineffective. But what effect does voting have? It gives them what they need most: a mandate. Nonparticipation helps deny that to them. It makes them, just on the margin, a bit more fearful that they are ruling us without our consent. This is all to the good. The government should fear the people. Not voting is a good beginning toward instilling that fear.
This year especially there is no lesser of two evils. There is socialism or fascism. The true American spirit should guide every voter to have no part of either.
The critical problem we face today is the same one all mankind has faced: the State, those monopolists who claim the right to break the laws that they make and enforce. How to restrain them is the critical problem of all sound political thinking. Making matters worse, this gang now has a monopoly on the money and the ability to print it, and they are abusing that power at our expense.
On the other hand, we do have the freedom not to vote. No one has yet drafted us into the voting booth. I suggest that we exercise this right not to participate. It is one of the few rights we have left. Nonparticipation sends a message that we no longer believe in the racket they have cooked up for us, and we want no part of it.
This year especially there is no lesser of two evils. There is socialism or fascism. The true American spirit should guide every voter to have no part of either.
chunkee-munkee: The “Magic Herb” That Can Eliminate Sugar Cravings...
chunkee-munkee: The “Magic Herb” That Can Eliminate Sugar Cravings...: The “Magic Herb” That Can Eliminate Sugar Cravings In One Week | Natural Thyroid Treatment/Graves Disease/Hashimotos Thyroiditis hose who ...
The “Magic Herb” That Can Eliminate Sugar Cravings In One Week | Natural Thyroid Treatment/Graves Disease/Hashimotos Thyroiditis
The “Magic Herb” That Can Eliminate Sugar Cravings In One Week | Natural Thyroid Treatment/Graves
Disease/Hashimotos Thyroiditis
hose who have been reading this blog for awhile know that I’m not one to suggest that taking nutritional supplements and/or herbs alone is enough to restore one’s health back to normal. And I’m also critical with regards to companies or individuals promoting a single supplement or herb as the solution for a specific condition. One example I have given in the past is the thyroid support supplements and boosters sold on the market, and how just taking a single supplement or herb won’t cure one’s condition, and in many cases won’t even do a good job of managing the symptoms.
However, there are certain nutritional supplements and herbs which can have a profound difference when it comes to certain symptoms, which in turn can help with someone’s recovery from their thyroid disorder. In this post I’m going to discuss an herb that really does a wonderful job of eliminating a person’s sugar cravings, at least in most cases. This is an extremely important herb, as there are many people with thyroid conditions who have severe sugar cravings. And eating foods high in sugar on a frequent basis can lead to problems with the adrenal glands.
I’ve spoken about this numerous times in the past, as many people with thyroid conditions have compromised adrenal glands. And in many of these cases, the compromised adrenal glands are responsible for the thyroid condition. When this is the case, if the adrenal gland problem isn’t addressed, then there is just about no chance of restoring the person’s thyroid health back to normal. And if a person has severe sugar cravings which has led to the adrenal issues, then these cravings obviously need to be eliminated in order to fix the problem with the adrenal glands.
This is where the herb Gymnema comes into play. This is an herb that does a wonderful job of balancing the blood sugar levels. And it also is very effective in eliminating one’s sugar cravings in a short period of time. Typically people will have their sugar cravings under control within one week of taking this herb in the appropriate dosage, although for some people it does take longer.
Although this herb is very effective in most people, the quality of the herb is extremely important. I personally use the MediHerb line from Standard Process, as they have a 4 gram tablet that has worked very well for my patients. There of course are other companies which offer quality herbs, but the reason I bring up Standard Process so frequently is because they are one of the companies I have used for many years, and both myself and my patients have received excellent results while taking their nutritional supplements and herbs.
As for how many Gymnema tablets you should take each day, this is something you should discuss with a holistic doctor. To no surprise, patients who have severe sweet and carb cravings will need to take a higher dosage of this herb when compared to those people who have mild to moderate cravings.
There is also a liquid form of Gymnema, and it also is very effective. In fact, in the past I attended one of the Standard Process nutritional seminars, and the presenter told the doctors attending to swish a small amount of liquid Gymnema in our mouth for a few seconds, and then immediately gave us a grape to eat. After doing this the grape no longer tasted sweet, as it tasted bitter after consuming the liquid form of Gymnema. The tablets don’t work this way, as they don’t instantly anesthetize the taste buds, which is probably a good thing. But they still are very effective.
Can someone just avoid taking Gymnema and go “cold turkey” when it comes to consuming refined foods and sugars? Sure they can, as I don’t recommend this herb to all of my patients who have sweet and carbohydrate cravings. However, some people are unable to resist eating refined carbs and sugars and need the extra support. When I followed a natural treatment protocol I personally didn’t take Gymnema, even though I considered myself to have a sweet tooth. But I didn’t consider my sugar cravings to be too severe, and so I was able to avoid eating refined foods and sugars on my own. And eventually the changes I made in my diet, as well as other lifestyle factors, helped to balance my blood sugar levels and eliminated my sweet and carb cravings.
Disease/Hashimotos Thyroiditis
hose who have been reading this blog for awhile know that I’m not one to suggest that taking nutritional supplements and/or herbs alone is enough to restore one’s health back to normal. And I’m also critical with regards to companies or individuals promoting a single supplement or herb as the solution for a specific condition. One example I have given in the past is the thyroid support supplements and boosters sold on the market, and how just taking a single supplement or herb won’t cure one’s condition, and in many cases won’t even do a good job of managing the symptoms.
However, there are certain nutritional supplements and herbs which can have a profound difference when it comes to certain symptoms, which in turn can help with someone’s recovery from their thyroid disorder. In this post I’m going to discuss an herb that really does a wonderful job of eliminating a person’s sugar cravings, at least in most cases. This is an extremely important herb, as there are many people with thyroid conditions who have severe sugar cravings. And eating foods high in sugar on a frequent basis can lead to problems with the adrenal glands.
I’ve spoken about this numerous times in the past, as many people with thyroid conditions have compromised adrenal glands. And in many of these cases, the compromised adrenal glands are responsible for the thyroid condition. When this is the case, if the adrenal gland problem isn’t addressed, then there is just about no chance of restoring the person’s thyroid health back to normal. And if a person has severe sugar cravings which has led to the adrenal issues, then these cravings obviously need to be eliminated in order to fix the problem with the adrenal glands.
This is where the herb Gymnema comes into play. This is an herb that does a wonderful job of balancing the blood sugar levels. And it also is very effective in eliminating one’s sugar cravings in a short period of time. Typically people will have their sugar cravings under control within one week of taking this herb in the appropriate dosage, although for some people it does take longer.
Although this herb is very effective in most people, the quality of the herb is extremely important. I personally use the MediHerb line from Standard Process, as they have a 4 gram tablet that has worked very well for my patients. There of course are other companies which offer quality herbs, but the reason I bring up Standard Process so frequently is because they are one of the companies I have used for many years, and both myself and my patients have received excellent results while taking their nutritional supplements and herbs.
As for how many Gymnema tablets you should take each day, this is something you should discuss with a holistic doctor. To no surprise, patients who have severe sweet and carb cravings will need to take a higher dosage of this herb when compared to those people who have mild to moderate cravings.
There is also a liquid form of Gymnema, and it also is very effective. In fact, in the past I attended one of the Standard Process nutritional seminars, and the presenter told the doctors attending to swish a small amount of liquid Gymnema in our mouth for a few seconds, and then immediately gave us a grape to eat. After doing this the grape no longer tasted sweet, as it tasted bitter after consuming the liquid form of Gymnema. The tablets don’t work this way, as they don’t instantly anesthetize the taste buds, which is probably a good thing. But they still are very effective.
Can someone just avoid taking Gymnema and go “cold turkey” when it comes to consuming refined foods and sugars? Sure they can, as I don’t recommend this herb to all of my patients who have sweet and carbohydrate cravings. However, some people are unable to resist eating refined carbs and sugars and need the extra support. When I followed a natural treatment protocol I personally didn’t take Gymnema, even though I considered myself to have a sweet tooth. But I didn’t consider my sugar cravings to be too severe, and so I was able to avoid eating refined foods and sugars on my own. And eventually the changes I made in my diet, as well as other lifestyle factors, helped to balance my blood sugar levels and eliminated my sweet and carb cravings.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Currency Wars: CIA Advisor James Rickards Warns Am...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Currency Wars: CIA Advisor James Rickards Warns Am...: Currency Wars: CIA Advisor James Rickards Warns Americans of Coming "Financial Pearl Harbor"
chunkee-munkee: ♨ Food ⊕ World ☼ Order ♕: Digestible Microchips Em...
chunkee-munkee: ♨ Food ⊕ World ☼ Order ♕: Digestible Microchips Em...: ♨ Food ⊕ World ☼ Order ♕: Digestible Microchips Embedded in Drugs : rom Digestible microchips embedded in drugs may soon tell...
The Corbett Report | Syrian Updates and Food World Order (Video)
The Corbett Report | Syrian Updates and Food World Order (Video): 3
Syrian Updates and Food World Order (Video)
Posted by Corbett
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Kofi Annan steps down as the UN’s Syria ‘Peace’ Envoy as more rebel atrocities come to light and details of Obama’s secret authorization of CIA support emerge. Join us tonight on the program as James breaks down all the latest on the Syrian crisis. In the second half of the program we shift gears to cover all the latest in the Food World Order from James Evan Pilato.
Syrian Updates and Food World Order (Video)
Posted by Corbett
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Kofi Annan steps down as the UN’s Syria ‘Peace’ Envoy as more rebel atrocities come to light and details of Obama’s secret authorization of CIA support emerge. Join us tonight on the program as James breaks down all the latest on the Syrian crisis. In the second half of the program we shift gears to cover all the latest in the Food World Order from James Evan Pilato.
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Presidential Appointees No Longer Need to be Confi...
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Presidential Appointees No Longer Need to be Confi...: Presidential Appointees No Longer Need to be Confirmed by Senate | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution Presidential Appointees No Longer Ne...
Aussie Tycoon Wants to Clone Dinosaurs for His Real Life, Resort-Based Jurassic Park | Popular Science
Aussie Tycoon Wants to Clone Dinosaurs for His Real Life, Resort-Based Jurassic Park | Popular Science
In other billionaire news today, a controversial and ostentatious Australian is supposedly planning a real-life Jurassic Park, complete with cloned dinosaurs. Clive Palmer, who also wants to build a modern-day Titanic replica, has held talks with the scientists who cloned Dolly the sheep, reports Australia’s Sunshine Coast Daily.
Palmer, a mining magnate, owns a luxury resort on the Sunshine Coast, in southern Queensland on Australia’s Pacific side. He would put the dinosaurs in his new resort there, the Daily reports. There are no named sources in the article about this effort, however, with the newspaper citing someone “close to Palmer’s inner circle.”
Aussie Tycoon Wants to Clone Dinosaurs for His Real Life, Resort-Based Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park ... the ride. Wikipedia
Palmer, a mining magnate, owns a luxury resort on the Sunshine Coast, in southern Queensland on Australia’s Pacific side. He would put the dinosaurs in his new resort there, the Daily reports. There are no named sources in the article about this effort, however, with the newspaper citing someone “close to Palmer’s inner circle.”
Obama: "I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns" - :
Obama: "I Don't Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns" - :

(Joe Newby) On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that Barack Obama once told him that people should not be able to own guns.
According to Lott, Obama made the statement the first time the two met.
Obama: “I Don’t Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns”
According to Lott, Obama made the statement the first time the two met.
chunkee-munkee: Terra Forming Terra: Cancer Drug Flushes AIDS Viru...
chunkee-munkee: Terra Forming Terra: Cancer Drug Flushes AIDS Viru...: Terra Forming Terra: Cancer Drug Flushes AIDS Virus Cancer Drug Flushes AIDS Virus Early days of course, but a known drug has proven it c...
RBS ‘nationalisation’: a perfect weapon of mass distraction | A diary of deception and distortion
RBS ‘nationalisation’: a perfect weapon of mass distraction | A diary of deception and distortion
There have been some severely misleading statements in the media about Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) over the last few days – on both sides of the Pond. Some of this is down to the usual hack idleness and gullibility; but rather more of it was a campaign of carefully assembled spin and distraction. Most of these have emanated from George Osborne.
The ‘Cabinet discussion about Nationalisation’ chatter
This was simply far too convenient to be a coincidence. With a decidedly dodgey set of results due in three days time, the N word was leaked. But note also in the leaks: “George Osborne is thought to be against the idea”. The Chancellor was the source of the leak: it was his less than subtle way of suggesting he’s The One True Tory left…and capable of getting tough with banks when needs be.
Partly too, this is a struggle for supremacy between LibDem Business SecretaryVince Cable, and Tory Chancellor George Osborne. By setting these imaginary hares running, Osborne has quite specifically distanced himself from a daft idea like nationalising the rest of the bank: but knowing that people are acquainted with Cable’s desire to do just that, most observers assume it’s Vince’s idea.
There have been some severely misleading statements in the media about Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) over the last few days – on both sides of the Pond. Some of this is down to the usual hack idleness and gullibility; but rather more of it was a campaign of carefully assembled spin and distraction. Most of these have emanated from George Osborne.
The ‘Cabinet discussion about Nationalisation’ chatter
This was simply far too convenient to be a coincidence. With a decidedly dodgey set of results due in three days time, the N word was leaked. But note also in the leaks: “George Osborne is thought to be against the idea”. The Chancellor was the source of the leak: it was his less than subtle way of suggesting he’s The One True Tory left…and capable of getting tough with banks when needs be.
Partly too, this is a struggle for supremacy between LibDem Business SecretaryVince Cable, and Tory Chancellor George Osborne. By setting these imaginary hares running, Osborne has quite specifically distanced himself from a daft idea like nationalising the rest of the bank: but knowing that people are acquainted with Cable’s desire to do just that, most observers assume it’s Vince’s idea.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Why in the World Are They Spraying?
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES: Why in the World Are They Spraying?: Why in the World Are They Spraying? : This documentary is a follow up to What in the World Are They Spraying, the video that has awakened mi...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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