Friday, October 14, 2011

Join Dylan Ratigan's Get Money Out of Politics Movement | Death and Taxes

Join Dylan Ratigan's Get Money Out of Politics Movement | Death and Taxes: First, wealth is being extracted through banking, vacuumed up toward the highest rungs of society—the wealthiest individuals in the country control a disproportionate amount of the wealth in America. Second, there is a trade deficit—that is, we’re exporting less and importing more products, to the tune of approximately $500 billion in 2010. Why? Corporations manufacture in other countries to keep manufacturing and product prices low, thus eliminating American jobs. Unions, of course, get blamed for this reality, because they negotiate for livable wages and benefits. Third, taxation is much more of a burden on the middle and lower classes as well as small businesses, while big business benefits from a profusion of tax breaks and tax dodging schemes.

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