Gerald Celente Trends Blog: William Cooper - The Ultimate Goal of the Illuminati : William (Bill) Cooper explaining what he has learned from his studies about the beliefs of the Illuminati secret societies, a very informative speech about the Illuminati and it's implications. This plan outlines the formation of a one world socialist totalitarian government ruled by a behind-the-scenes "council of wise men" with a "benevolent dictator" who is perceived by the public as a "Messiah" head of government. The Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will be armed only with the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order.You cannot hope to understand the philosophy (Illuminism) of any branch of the "Mystery School" (Illuminati) without many years of study and a complete knowledge of their "symbolic" language.
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