Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gerald Celente Forecasts 2012: Where are the safe haven nations?

Gerald Celente Forecasts 2012: Where are the safe haven nations?:
In the Fall 2009 Trends Journal, Gerald Celente spends some time discussing the state of nations around the globe circa 2012. And it’s not pretty, with only a handful of nations avoiding economic and social meltdown.
Flash Forward to 2012.
Despite differences between the 1930’s Great Depression and today’s “Greatest Depression,” unsettling similarities conjure up memories of pre-World War II. From the United Kingdom to Russia, war drums eerily beat.
China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore — all countries that ramped up production to meet insatiable business and consumer demands of the prior decade — fight for survival.
Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, long industrialized and export driven, blame China for their mounting trade imbalances, internal strife and Southeast Asian instability.
Mexico, once the US resort/retirement retreat, is as dangerous as the Congo, and its government — what’s left of it — is equally ruthless.
Across much of South America, depression, coups and wars prevail; few nations have been spared.
Oil-rich nations, having sunk trillions and lost trillions in high stakes investments, are trying to cope with internal rebellion and decreased demand for their only cash crop.
India’s miracle economy has run out of miracle, pushing it back into Third World conditions. Incessant flare-ups with Pakistan carry nuclear implications.
Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not in great shape, but compared to most other nations, they seem like paradise.
For those considering bugging out before SHTF, your choices seem to be somewhat limited. Before making an significant changes in your life, such as moving your family to another country, think about the economic, social and political stability in your destination country.
One other consideration: In the event of a complete meltdown of the global economic systems, immigrating to a new country will be quite difficult, if not impossible. Protectionist measures will certainly be in place, as no country will want to take away jobs from their citizens to give to immigrants. Therefore, if you plan on leaving your home country, it is recommended that your plans are in place and executed before a meltdown in your home country occurs.
Related forecasts from Gerald Celente:
Gerald Celente: It’s more than just the demise of the dollar. This is going to be felt worldwide (October 2009)
Gerald Celente: This is Big. We Can Even See the Breakup of America Like The Soviet Union.

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