Pat Buchanan on Ron Paul, the Internet and Ethnic Politics in the 21st Century: Pat Buchanan: I am more of a traditionalist conservative than I am a libertarian but I share with Ron Paul the view that America has become an over-extended empire. After the Cold War we should have downsized the empire dramatically and returned to become a more normal nation in a more normal time.
I believe government has gotten too huge. Republicans have colluded with Democrats to make it so and I am pessimistic that we're ever going to be able to turn this around.
Daily Bell: Tell us about your latest book, Suicide of a Superpower.
Pat Buchanan: Well, the United States is certainly not a failed nation or a failed state but we are failing. We're unable to control our borders, we are unable to balance our budgets, we're unable to win or end our wars successfully and achieve our objectives, and we're unable to stop the hemorrhaging of American jobs and manufacturing abroad.
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