Monday, January 2, 2012

SOPA & PIPA and Internet Kill Switch: End of Free Internet ∞ End of 1st Amendment | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

SOPA & PIPA and Internet Kill Switch: End of Free Internet ∞ End of 1st Amendment | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: SOPA & PIPA and Internet Kill Switch: End of Free Internet ∞ End of 1st Amendment
The objective is to make the internet like a glorified TV set so that we can't use it to organize against these greedy banksters. do you realize that congressmen don't even read the bills? they just pass whatever their rich friends put in front of them.We need to get the world to petition against this.... Letting a bunch of bald headed 60 year olds tell us how to use the internet even though they don't even know how to use it.60-80 year olds who have admitted that they have NEVER used the internet in their life are forming a law against copyright infringement and pirating .... It's basically so if the government want's to they can just shut down the internet. Like they did in Egypt . First it was the Great Firewall of its the turn of United Firewall of America... Way to go America...The United Corporates of America are hell bent on destroying our country once and for all and turn it into a Banana republic. Write your Senator, join a community group, throw a chair! Whatever it takes this can;t actually be passed ... right? CORPORATIONS ARE TAKING OVER THE GOOD OLD USA! if they shut down youtube they wil have over 2 billion + people at there door.
This bill is an infringement of our first amendment rights. just a comment is enough to shut down a site? facebook will be down withing hours, reddit within hours (no one cares about myspace), Even youtube down within hours , the whole site can be taken down if something copyrighted was uploaded for example, a movie trailer, a cover of a song, a music video. So there would be nothing to safeguard from, because the site would be gone.. this is against the law and against censorship because they wont allow us to know the truth of what is really out there , it's not just media that's affected. This affects the ability to post covers of songs on Youtube, publish covers of songs, mention a copyrighted material in even a little thing like a blog. This affects the ability to even talk about copyrighted material in a blog. You won't even be able to quote a song you're liking lately on your Facebook status anymore. And your freedom of speech is affected big time.

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