Friday, March 2, 2012

Don’t Snoop: The Government Hates Competition by Becky Akers

Don’t Snoop: The Government Hates Competition by Becky Akers

The State owns among its characteristics a hypocrisy as stunning, fatal, and over-the-top as its double standards. And both are on horrific display in New Jersey this week.

We first survey the trial of Dharun Ravi, formerly a freshman at Rutgers University. This week Our Rulers continued savaging him, as they have for the past 18 months, because his roommate committed suicide. Yes, in defiance of all justice and common sense, the socialist State now holds us responsible for others’ decisions.

Nor need the "evidence" implicating us in their choices be any stronger than a politician’s promise, as Dharun’s persecution proves.

It seems that 19 evenings into their first semester on campus, Dharun’s roommate kicked him out of their quarters because he had a "guest" – a sin so common at college it’s earned its own shorthand, "sexiling."

Ergo, Dharun headed down the hall to Molly Wei’s room; the two had known each other since "middle school," as the State dubs its indoctrination of kids 12 and 13 years old. There he borrowed Molly’s computer to check on his belongings via the webcam he’d activated in his own room before leaving. He told Molly he was suspicious because the "guest" was "an older man and did not appear to be a Rutgers student." Further, his "disheveled appearance made him look ‘shady,’ ‘scruffy’ and ‘creepy.’" Dharun didn’t want his iPad and computer to disappear.

But theft was not what the two saw on Molly’s screen. Rather, they watched the roommate and his paramour kissing. "We were both just kind of really shocked, like, I can't believe we just saw what we did," Molly told her inquisitors in court this week. They have suborned her by promising to drop their bogus "counts of invasion of privacy" against her if she’ll rat out her friend. "It shouldn't have happened and we saw something that we didn't expect to see and it just felt weird."

Neither Molly nor Dharun kept the filming or its streaming on the internet a secret: within hours, many students, including the roommate, Tyler Clementi, knew about his unwitting stardom in Dharun’s webcast.

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