Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama's Lying: Told Netanyahu to "Go Ahead, Strike Iran"

Obama's Lying: Told Netanyahu to "Go Ahead, Strike Iran"

When Obama met Netanyahu one-on-one at the White House March 5, rather than warning him not to attack Iran as the fools believe, Obama actually told him, "Go ahead and attack! I'll oppose it in public, but facilitate and support it in private." The crucial evidence is laid out in the March 15 lead editorial of Ha'aretz editor Aluf Benn, one of Israel's leading journalists.
"Netanyahu is hinting," he writes, "that in his Washington visit, he received Obama's tacit approval for an Israeli attack against Iran — under the guise of opposition. Obama will speak out against it but act for it, just as the past U.S. administrations speak against the settlements in the territories but allow their expansion."
"In 1967, the official US position called on Israel to hold back and refrain from going to war, but a different message was passing through the secret channels: go 'bomb Nasser,' reported [Israeli Prime Minister] Levi Eshkol's envoys to Washington, Meir Amit and Avraham Harman. This message tipped the scales in favor of going to war."
"In these past incidents, Israel acted against the US position formally, but made sure that the Americans will accept the results of the action and support it in retrospect. And indeed, the US recognized Israel in 1948, allowed it to control the territories annexed in 1967, and made do with weak condemnations of the attack on the Iraq nuclear reactor in 1981."
"And in this manner Netanyahu summarized the visit: 'I presented before my hosts the examples that I just noted before you, and I believe that the first objective that I presented — to fortify the recognition of Israel's right to defend itself — I think that objective has been achieved.'"

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