Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ron Paul: 'My ultimate goal remains to repeal the 16th Amendment'


Lake Jackson - From Jan. 1 to Apr. 17, millions of Americans work just to pay their local, state and federal taxes. Texas Congressman Ron Paul stated on Tax Freedom Day that his goal is to repeal the 16th Amendment and end the "tyranny" of the IRS.
As our colleague Walter Korschek wrote in his recent blog post, “When Does Taxation Turn Into Oppression?” the average American family will spend 29 percent of its income on taxes, which is more than what they will spend on clothing, food and housing combined. He also wrote about Tax Freedom Day, which celebrates when Americans stop working for the government. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on Apr. 17, which is four days later than when President Barack Obama entered office in 2009. For more than 100 days, Americans work to pay taxes (Connecticut works the longest until May 5). Texas Congressman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, who is holding town hall meetings in Rhode Island, New York and Pennsylvania this week, issued a statement Tuesday. The three-time presidential candidate discussed what Tax Freedom Day means to him and his “Plan to Restore America.”

Read more:
read full article here Ron Paul: 'My ultimate goal remains to repeal the 16th Amendment'

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