Saturday, April 7, 2012

US Belligerency Risks Global War

US Belligerency Risks Global War: US Belligerency Risks Global War
By Stephen Lendman

The business of America is war. Since WW II, permanent war for unchallenged global dominance became policy.

The Pentagon calls it a "long war." Dick Cheney said it won't end in our lifetime. GHW Bush called it a "New World Order." Nations are ravaged one at a time or in multiples.

Obama is America's latest warrior president. Many others preceded him. More than ever, today's threat is grave. A previous article addressed the unthinkable - the possibility of global nuclear war.

Leaders risking it are deranged. Some experts believe it's inevitable. Washington maintains a nuclear first-strike policy. Launching weapons this destructive threatens humanity. The possibility is real, perhaps sooner than most people imagine.

Nadir Mir discussed the threat. His March 26 Pravda article headlined, "On the brink of Third World War - 2012," saying:

A global catastrophe threatens. "If war breaks out in 2012 onwards, Nukes shall speak and tragically billions may die. If there is war, it will most likely spread to be global plus nuclear, and without method in the madness. This apocalyptic scenario may yet come to pass, unless it is stopped in its tracks."

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