Friday, August 20, 2010

Banks Will Still Profit in this Faltering Economic Recovery

The theory is we know better what is good for the people than they do. This allows the elitists to control political power by controlling both major parties from behind the scenes. People do not want this kind of government and do not willingly embrace it. As a result it has to be forced upon them by using economics, politics or the distortion of the law. Thus, we see the pragmatic rise of Keynesianism as an integral part of the effort to bring about total dictatorial power on a scale only previously attempted during the reign of the Roman Empire. This fellow Americans is what is being done to you, your country and your culture.
Each passing day more and more observers come to the conclusion that there has not been and will not be a recovery in the sense that they believed there would. The proof is the actions the Fed has taken to use additional monetary easing and to continue zero interest rates. We forecasted such events some six weeks before they occurred and believe the Fed will have to inject some $5 trillion over the next two years just to keep the economy going sideways.
Banks Will Still Profit in this Faltering Economic Recovery

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