Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Founder of was a former director of the Dallas Federal Reserve

The fact that the Founder of the Fair Tax used to be a director of Dallas TX Federal Reserve System could mean the possibility that the Fair Tax Proposal is a trap and a fraud that will only make the poor poorer, make the super rich richer, and destroy the Middle Class.

So why would a bunch of rich elitist people want to propose the Fair Tax on all Americans? Well we know this tax won’t be fair to all Americans because anytime the super rich propose something it is only for power, and greed. Also the super rich including the Bilderberg Group want to enslave humanity by spreading their ideals of socialism under the guise that we will have fair pay, fair taxes, fair vacation time, a decent home, universal Health Care, and even be treated the same as everyone else but the flaws to socialism is that as long as the super rich elite bankers control over Government then this socialism system and taxation won’t apply to them.
People keep telling me it’s better to have a Fair Tax then a income tax but the super rich will again flee the requirements of taxation as always or finds a way to sock it to the poor so in other words we will be charged more so the super rich can stay materialistic while the poor will be completely trapped on Government welfare while the Middle Class may be downgraded to the poor.

Founder of was a former director of the Dallas Federal Reserve

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