- Commodity Brokerage: 1. Corzine and Abelow testified again before the House Financial Services committee, and it was another nausea-inducing spectacle. Today's questioning was actually WORSE, because Terry Duffy had lobbed the committee a grapefruit on Tuesday regarding Corzine's knowledge of the customer seg funds being raided and sent off to Europe. (OF COURSE HE KNEW. BACK OFFICE TREASURY DATAPUNCH CLERKS DON'T SEND CUSTOMER SEG FUNDS TO EUROPE OR ANYWHERE ELSE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION.) But, of course, none of the congresscritters were even remotely smart enough to ask about any of that. In fact, one chick congresscritter was fawning over Corzine so hard, I honestly thought that she was going to come down off the dais, crawl in Corzine's lap, push back his greasy mullet, and start blowing in his ear. Her line of questioning - if you can call it that - was along the lines of, "Mr. Corzine, is it possible that no one within the company notified you of any problems because you are so brilliant and awesome and thus people find you intimidating?"Agree with mostly everything she said. I'd take it further, and say the problem is primarily about the American people, and American culture. Americans are sick, disgusting, and greedy . Ann Barnhardt predicted that a new exchange will open up in Dallas, after this old system collapses. Fine, except it will still be the American elite running the show. They will repeat the same mistakes in judgement. This women also made some comments regarding affirmative action hired? She called it "marxist-communism." She couldn't be more incorrect. This rather intelligent fund manager named Ann Barnhardt needs to learn that the right-wing banksters are capable of being lawless. When the right-wing is lawless, it's called Fascism. It's a form of Nazism, not Marxism. Corrupt banksters are exactly who the Soviets were enemies with.
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