Wednesday, October 19, 2011

» Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: But a simple visual chart put together by Jo Nova shows how governments, industry, and Wall Street have been behind the global warming scam all along, and how they continue to use taxpayer dollars to fund it.

Nova calls it “The Climate Change Scare Machine,” a continuous cycle that bilks taxpayers out of their money in order to fund the man-made global warming agenda. Behind this agenda are Wall Street financial firms, “green” foundations, and even organizations created specifically to smear those that speak out against global warming. And after receiving “rubber stamp” approval from the mainstream media, the misinformation created by these groups is peddled to the masses as scientific truth, even though little-to-none of it is actually based in sound science.

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