Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jon Corzine, MF Global, and Unaccountability | NationofChange

Jon Corzine, MF Global, and Unaccountability | NationofChange: Dur­ing the sum­mer of 2011, the CBOE and FINRA told MF Global Inc. that it didn’t have enough cap­i­tal be­hind its repo-to-ma­tu­rity (RTM) po­si­tions in Eu­ro­pean sov­er­eign bonds – the po­si­tions Corzine put on. By mid-Au­gust, the SEC got in­volved and met with Corzine and other MF Glob­alites. They then had to file a net cap­i­tal de­fi­ciency no­tice on Au­gust 25th for $150 mil­lion.

Dur­ing the week of Oc­to­ber, 17th – MF Global Hold­ing had to in­crease cap­i­tal again at MFGI - for the same po­si­tions. The next week, on Oc­to­ber 25th, it re­leased abysmal quar­terly earn­ings, and got down­graded to al­most junk sta­tus. The stock plum­meted and cus­tomers were head­ing for the hills, the fastest ones get­ting their money out, oth­ers get­ting locked out.

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