Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Prison » New Year Prediction: Israel and U.S. Will Attack Iran

Prison » New Year Prediction: Israel and U.S. Will Attack Iran: CBS News predicts Israel will attack Iran this year and the U.S. will participate.

New Year Prediction: Israel and U.S. Will Attack Iran amirbarati20111226130438123

National Security Correspondent David Martin:

“If Iran doesn’t blink Israel will strike… Go after its nuclear facilities, if Iran doesn’t blink… [The U.S. will] have no choice but to support Israel. And depending on what the evidence is at that time they might even want to take part in that raid, it depends on what kind of intelligence they have about that decision that Iran has to make about whether to really build a bomb and go beyond putting all the pieces in place, which is what it’s doing now.”

On Saturday, Iran began a 10-day drill in international waters near the strategic oil route that passes through the Strait of Hormuz. The exercise is dubbed “Velayat 90″ and will likely be conducted in proximity to U.S. naval ships.

“To show off its might, the navy needs to be present in international waters. It’s necessary to demonstrate the navy’s defense capabilities,” Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said at a press conference last week.

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