Monday, May 7, 2012

JFK Special 3: Oswald was in the doorway, after all! | Veterans Today

So we begin with the Altgens photograph, where JFK is clutching his throat and you can even see a bullet hole in the windshield–a small, while spiral nebula with a dark hole in the center–where his left ear would be if it were visible, where it passed through:

Then we move toward the background images, where someone is looking out the doorway, where his identity has been disputed:  some say it’s Lee Oswald, others that it’s Billy Lovelady; but if it’s Lee Oswald, then he can’t be on the 6th floor shooting at JFK:

Then we look more closely and discover that that whitish-blur to the right-front of the man in the doorway is the obfuscation of someone, where the only reason for obfuscating an image would have been if someone had been there who should not have been:

But the only one who should not have been there was Lee Oswald, which led me (Jim Fetzer) to suppose that the man whose face and shirt had been obfuscated was Lee, who even told Will Fritz he was “out with Bill Shelley in front” during his interrogation:

where the features that have bee obscured can be identified more readily when they have been colorized, where I was convinced that Lee had been there, since there was no other (apparent) good reason to have obfuscated the face of anyone else:

and where the shirt on the man in the doorway seemed to be checkered like the shirt that Billy Lovelady was seen wearing both inside the Dallas Police Department (third above) and outside on the steps (below), shortly following the assassination of JFK:

but where K.D. Ruckman realized that the man on the steps (shown here) did not appear to be the same man in the Dallas Police Department (shown above), which meant that there appeared to be a “Lovelady imposter”, which would make a lot of sense if,

as Ralph Cinque had inferred, the man in the doorway was Oswald, where Lovelady’s face had been imposed upon him, the opposite of what had been done in creating the “backyard photographs” done by imposing Lee’s head on somone else’s body,

which Jim Marrs and I had explained, building on the prior work of Jack White, who had already shown that these photographs could not possibly be genuine, since they had exactly the same Oswald face on four different poses taken at four different times.

Where Ralph realized that he had more than enough proof to establish that Billy Lovelady (shown here in an FBI photograph wearing the shirt he said he had worn at the time) was not the same person as “Billy Lovelady” at the Dallas Police Departmant.
A Matter of Identity
by Ralph Cinque
Look at these two images, and tell me if it is the same man. If they are not the same man, then the entire official story of the JFK assassination falls completely apart.  Everything hinges on those two individuals being the same person.  If they are different human beings, then it’s all over for The Warren Report (1964):

The man on the left is Billy Lovelady, who worked at the Texas School Book Depository alongside Lee Harvey Oswald.  When the Altgens photo came out, many people, from all over the world, thought that the man standing in the doorway was Lee. But, it was quickly announced that, no, it was Billy. But, it was a hard sell. As much as they raved about how much Lee and Billy looked alike, Lee was 5’9” and weighed 135 pounds whereas Billy was 5’8” and weighed 170 pounds.  That’s a big weight difference, and it hardly makes them twins. And most agree that Doorway Man had a slender build, much like Lee.

And with Doorman wearing a loose-fitting, unbuttoned outer shirt over a notched t-shirt, it was a perfect match to Lee’s garb. But what was Billy wearing? That’s where it gets dicey.  At first, Billy said that he wore a red and white striped shirt and blue jeans. He told that to the FBI, and they wrote it down and sent it to the Warren Commission. And the shirt, which you can see above, was short-sleeved.  That immediately ruled him out as Doorway Man.  And keep in mind.  This is a default situation:  If it wasn’t Billy, then it had to be Lee. There were no other candidates, no other possibilities.  It had to be one or the other.  And so, the story had to be changed. Are you aware that other aspects of the assassination also got changed? For instance, they didn’t go with the “Magic Bullet” theory in the beginning.

At first, they said that JFK and Connally were struck by different bullets, which is also what Connally claimed. But then when they discovered that there had been a missed shot that nicked bystander James Teague, they had to account for all the wounds with just two bullets.  And since the last and fatal head shot was considered a solo event, they had to attribute all of the remaining seven wounds in two men to just one bullet, the so-called “magic bullet”. But, they definitely would not have gone that route if the fragment that hit Teague had not been found.  They weren’t going that route.  It’s like they hit a wall, and they had to go around it. Flexibility, it seems, is the key to effective story-telling when it comes to political assassinations.
Since they had to get Lovelady out of that short-sleeved shirt and into a long-sleeved one–for there to be any chance of him being Doorman–the story became that he actually wore a long-sleeved plaid, checkered shirt that day, like that worn by the DPD Lovelady on the left above.  As for what he told the FBI earlier, that was just a misunderstanding.  And to prove it, they came up with the image that you see on the right above. That is supposed to be an image of Billy Lovelady that was taken outside the Texas School Book Depository sometime after the assassination, where  you can see that he is wearing a long-sleeved, plaid, checkered shirt.
Comparing the “Loveladys”
Ain’t detective work grand? If you’re smart and cunning like Lieutenant Columbo, all the pieces come together, they fit like a glove, and there are no loose ends. Except in this case, Lieutenant Columbo would have been the first to point out that FBI Lovelady and TSBD Lovelady were not the same man.
What exactly do they have in common? The only thing I can see is a similar pattern of hair loss, but even that isn’t identical. Nothing else about them is even a good match, let alone a perfect one.  So, how is it that people came to accept that they were one and the same person? The answer is simple: the psychological power of officialdom.  When something comes from high above, that is, from government and media, it flies on the wings of authority, and the critical faculties of the mind shut down.  The very same thing is happening right now, this day, in perfect parallel with the events of 1963. Here’s what I mean:
It is now the one-year anniversary of the (alleged) assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. But, did he really live until 2011? Ten years earlier, in 2001, his kidneys were failing, and he was on dialysis. Do you know how long the average dialysis patient lives in the United States? About 5 years, and that’s with the best medical care. For a while, Osama was living in a cave. And he had a myriad of other health problems, including: diabetes, hepatitis, osteoporosis, and Marfan’s syndrome. [Editor's note:  See Nicholas Kollerstrom, "Osama bin Laden:  1957-2001", and David Ray Griffin, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (2009).]
The left picture below is Osama bin Laden from 2001 and to its right is an image from 2011 which was released by the Pentagon.   Which man looks older and which man looks younger? They say that he dyed his hair, but forget about that.  Compare their eyes, and hone in on the tired, old eyes of the “younger” Osama.  Compare the fullness of their faces, or I should say that lack of it in the older-looking, more decrepit Osama from 2001. Look at the firmness and solidness of the musculature around the shoulders of the latter-day bin laden compared to how he looked 10 years earlier. Those are some solid trapezoid muscles. What, was he lifting weights at his compound in Abbottabad?  With all his health problems and with the stress of living in a cave, living on the run, remaining in hiding as the most wanted man in the world, do you really think there is any chance that bin laden could emerge in 2011 in the obvious good, robust condition that you see above? We’re talking about 10 years on dialysis!

I happened to watch the movie, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, in which a man aged in reverse, where he got younger with each passing year. But, I needn’t have to tell you that that never happens in real life. People only age in one direction – from younger to older.  Osama, above, seems to have defied the laws of biology.  Apparently, he spent the whole time on a spaceship traveling at the speed of light so that he didn’t age, as per Einstein. But hey, he not only didn’t age, he actually got younger- a lot younger. And all while on dialysis! Heck, maybe we should all start doing it.
But the question is, why does any American believe that that second picture was really Osama bin laden? And the answer again is: the psychological power of officialdom.
But getting back to the two images of Billy Lovelady, there are people today, supposedly intelligent people, who are still arguing that they are the same person.
Allow me to re-present the basic points of comparison, most of which were laid out by Canadian researcher, Kelly Ruckman.   What follows is an excerpt from the last article in this series:
First, TSBD Lovelady’s head (right) is wider from front to back than is FBI Lovelady’s (left). Second, the slope of FBI Lovelady’s head is more vertical, and the angle of his forehead with the top of his head is more rectangular. On TSBD Lovelady, there is no angle at all, rather there is just a long, gentle, slope, like a ski slope, and it reminds me of the images we have seen of Cro-Magnon Man or Neanderthal. Third, FBI Lovelady seems to have a longer nose, and TSBD Lovelady seems to have a shorter, stubbier nose. Fourth, the hairlines are different. FBI Lovelady’s hairline at the temple seems to go straight up whereas TSBD Lovelady’s hairline angles back more. Fifth, the ears look different, with the real Lovelady’s on the left being longer and narrower. Remember that ears are very distinctive, like fingerprints.
Thank you Kelly Ruckman for pointing out the above. But there is a difference between the two of them which jumps out even more at me: their necks. TSBD Lovelady (right) has got a condition known as FORWARD NECK SYNDROME. Any orthopedist or chiropractor can see it at a glance. Instead of going up, his neck is going forward. FBI Lovelady (left) has a much more vertical neck. The basic, fundamental direction that it is going is UP. But on TSBD Lovelady (right), his neck isn’t going up so much. His neck is going more FORWARD, and that has the effect of shortening his neck. And that is something we can measure. Take a ruler and measure the length of the visible neck on each of them, going from the bottom of the ear to wherever the vertical line reaches the shirt. As I measure it, I get a full inch of neck length on FBI Lovelady, but only 2/3 inch on TSBD Lovelady. So, from the perspective of TSBD Lovelady, FBI Lovelady has 50% more length in his neck.
Next, I want you to drop a plumb line on each of them. And the way you can do it is to take a ruler and place it right behind the ear, and holding it vertical, track it down and see where it goes. With good posture, the ear should not be too much in front of the sagittal plane of the shoulder, and FBI Lovelady is doing quite well in that respect. His isn’t bad alignment. I like what I’m seeing. But TSBD Lovelady’s ear is much farther forward than that; his plumb line is well forward of his shoulder. He is really quite contorted, and he’s the kind of guy who is destined to have osteoarthritis of the neck.

read full article here JFK Special 3: Oswald was in the doorway, after all! | Veterans Today

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