Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Slave Card Stampede by Jeff Berwick

read full article here The Slave Card Stampede by Jeff Berwick

Face it, we live in a prison planet.  Just try travelling without a government issued slave card... a slave card (passport) that states right on the first page that it is not your property. It is the property of the government who purports to own you in the geographic region where you just happened to be born or settled.
You'd like to go somewhere and work?  Not so fast, you need permission!  Almost any nation-state on Earth will demand you get  permission to work (permit/visa) if you wish to go to a different tax farm and be productive.  And even if they allow you to work there they will almost surely take a large part of the fruits of your labor.
We're all slaves now.  But, given that this is the case, what can we do to live more freely in an unfree world?
One of the answers is counter-intuitive.  In a world where we need our masters permission, a slave card, to move about, one way to become more free is to actually get more slave cards... Or, if your current slave card happens to be very onerous just to have, then it is best to get rid of the one you were given (renunciation... or just walk away) and get a better one.
Nowhere on Earth is this more important currently than for US citizens.  US citizens are already the most globally enslaved people on Earth.  They cannot open a stock brokerage account anywhere outside of the US.  Soon they will not be able to open a bank account outside of the US (due to the ramifications of FATCA).  As we reported ("Hear That?  It's The Sound of the Door Shutting for Americans"), most banks have already stopped accepting US citizens as clients. On top of this, Bill 1813, which is currently making its way through congress would suspend the ability to get a US slave card for those who are delinquent on paying their taxes.
Then, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the US Government came up with the "Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy Act".  If this criminal bill passes it will bar anyone deemed to have renounced their citizenship for tax reasons from ever returning to the US.  It will also place a 30% capital gains tax on any income derived from the US for life.  And, the cherry on the cake, this Act would be retroactive to anyone who has renounced in the last 10 years.  So, if this bill passes, and you had renounced your US citizenship in 2003 you will never be able to return to the US ever again and could be liable to the US Government for massive amounts of money.
But here's the thing, if you have your eyes open to what is going on, why would you want to go back anyway?  Of course, many people have friends and family still in the USSA and would like to visit them.  But they live in a Fasco-Communist Police State.  Why would you want to visit there?
The photo above was taken just this last weekend in Chicago.
Americans have to get used to the fact that they are the new Jews.  How many Jews who had left Germany in the 1930s would be sad to hear in 1942 that they couldn't return?  And in the communist heyday of last century, when people defected from places like Cuba, Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union they knew that they could never go back.  In fact, many of them never saw their family again.
The USSA is now fast approaching these levels.  The US Government is first closing all the doors and trying to portray those with money who have left as unpatriotic.  Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street, full of mostly Marxists and college kids indoctrinated in socialism, continue to bang the drums for the heads of anyone who has been productive and has any assets.
The wealthy are wealthy for a reason.  They are usually pretty smart and those except for useful idiots like Mark "it's patriotic to pay taxes" Cuban are already eyeing the exit.  And, as the wealthy sneak out tax revenues will continue to decline and the Federal Parasite, already well-past bankrupt, will continue to feed off its remaining citizens until the US resembles something like Cambodia after the Killing Fields... devoid of intelligent, productive people and left with the impoverished communists who will eat each other alive in their quest for "fairness" and receiving their "entitlements" at the expense of others.
You want to go back to that?

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