Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Genuine Coalition Split | david_cameron | nick_clegg | coalition | Boulton & Co. | Sky News Blogs

A Genuine Coalition Split | david_cameron | nick_clegg | coalition | Boulton & Co. | Sky News Blogs: Much of this is political posturing - a last ditch bid to woo disgruntled party members by showing David Cameron/Nick Clegg [delete as appropriate] is standing up to those nasty Lib Dems/Tories [delete as appropriate].

But one point of tension is certainly not drummed up - climate change is today getting politicians hot under the collar.

The Daily Telegraph has a fascinating leak of a letter to David Cameron from his senior energy advisor, Ben Moxham.

The crux of the note is that families face a 30% increase in their electricity bills because of the Government's policy on green energy.

But from a political perspective, the killer line is: "We find the scale of household energy consumption savings calculated by DECC to be unconvincing."

In other words - the PM's advisor is rubbishing the argument at the centre of Lib Dem Energy Secretary Chris Huhne's policy drive.

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