Monday, September 26, 2011

A Message from Anonymous to Occupy Wall Street | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

A Message from Anonymous to Occupy Wall Street | Gerald Celente Trends Blog: Hello Citizens of the world. AS you may or may not know, many of us are trying to fight corruption by protesting on Wall St. WE are tired of the corrupt bankers destroying the world with their unjust policies, we are tired of the Federal Reserves unconstitutional ways, and we are tired of remaining silent.WE are all fighting for different reasons, but we are all fighting as one. We all thank you for your continuing support, and we ask those who can not make it down to Wall St. to help us with Op: BankerBlackFax. The Plan: Starting when the Stock Market opens at 9:30am ET until it closes at 4pm ET we ask you to send the following images, to the numbers listed below, using the Fax services also listed below. Continue doing this as long as Operation Occupy Wall Street goes on. The Goal: Disrupt the service of the following banks, untill our voices are heard. We are Anonymous We are Legion We do not forgive We do not forget We told you to expect us Wall St

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