Monday, December 19, 2011

The coal in Newt and Mitt's stocking: Ron Paul (Video) | Washington Times Communities

The coal in Newt and Mitt's stocking: Ron Paul (Video) | Washington Times Communities: If you have watched the debates over the past few months, you had only to watch the body language of most of the candidates to see how dismissive they have been of the slight, senior citizen on stage with them. His views were too radical. His comments too blunt. His demeanor too much the country doctor.

Talk about underestimating your opponent. Suddenly the candidates are looking at Congressman Paul with new respect … and fear. His poll numbers in Iowa are nothing to sneeze at, much less ignore: Gingrich barely leads Paul at 22% to 21%, with Mitt Romney at 16%, Michele Bachmann at 11%, Rick Perry at 9%, Rick Santorum at 8%, Jon Huntsman at 5%, and Gary Johnson at 1%. (Public Policy Polling)

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