Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Insider Report: Obama Administration Intends to Unionize U.S. Military with Executive Order

Insider Report: Obama Administration Intends to Unionize U.S. Military with Executive Order: There can be no doubt that the coming election will see a whole new level of class warfare and we can be certain unions and their leadership will be leading the way. The movement is already building and union leaders in recent months have called on President Obama to essentially start a fight with non-unionized America. From the perspective of the White House, the strategy of unionizing the military may seem sound. By unionizing, they will add hundreds of thousands of new democratic voters to the party, while at the same time shifting the loyalties of military personnel to politically align with the expansion of socialist principles across America. No longer will it be about love of country. Insofar as national defense is concerned, this would certainly be a security threat on a number of different levels, namely that a unionized force may be easier to sway in the event of necessary military deployments in U.S. cities.

If you have unions rioting in the streets, perhaps violently revolting and targeting non-union related individuals or organizations, what are the odds that a unionized military will step into help those who are non-union? This is just one of many dangers we can perceive with such a scenario.

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